Post a Picture Thread - Nice to Meet You !
by flipper 2310 Replies latest members private
Thank you, Simon, I have resized the picture.
60th birthday. (left)
Ripper is living up to his name.
Sometimes I call him a little shit!
Nice pictures everybody ! Keep 'em coming ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Xanthippe, which is the mother and which is the daughter?
You both look lovely and very relaxed.
MightyV8, happy birthday!
What a bad dog! How many of your cigarettes did he smoke while you were gone? :)
I start thinking about camping, hiking, and apostafests when summer comes around ! Here's a picture of me & Flipper Jr. and my dog Lizzy last September backpacking.
Xam.Stan.and Might, great pics. Flipper, I LOVE those smiles. : )
xo tal
Shout out to Some DUDE's good to see BOTH hands above the keyboard........ mwah haha. ; )
My girlfriend and I. Alas, I didn't shave that day. Very untheocratic of me! No microphone privileges for me! :)
Hey, Londo! Nice to see you. No shave? No soup for YOU! Oops,wrong sitcom.
Great pic, you both have lovely smiles. xx ; )