Fulano, I love Bangkok. I was there last year when the bomb went off in the downtown area..........outside my hotel. I am back there in November.
Post a Picture Thread - Nice to Meet You !
by flipper 2310 Replies latest members private
me and miss coalize
so much great people on this thread! People of all ages, of all sex, of all countries and of all coulor! But i want you all as friend! :)
another picture of me and miss coalize
Great looking couple Coalize
I like your pictures too, cantleave! You look exactly like a guy I want as a buddy! :)
Sorry, only left it up for a few minutes... But, I look like my avatar... lol
BlackSwan of Memphis
Flipper - a Lake Tahoe fest? Wow, that would be awesome!! Maybe someday! We'd love to head back out West. Gorgeous part of the US.
"Oompa-Loompa, doom-pa-dee-den... I'll make America great again!"
As you can see I do a good imitation of an American.
You really do. A handsome one at that. Are you able to do a good mimic of American accents? There are so many different ones, but the more distinctive are easier. Wow, what kind of job do you do, that asks you to travel so far and wide? I'm envious.