Here's what I see.......all of these EX JW's are looking good, happy and smart.
Post a Picture Thread - Nice to Meet You !
by flipper 2310 Replies latest members private
here is a recent picture in my office.
Hello everyone. @Biahi-thanks, That was a long time ago.
I'm posting an updated report with pictures. These are progressive pictures since Dubstepped interviewed me. He changed my life. No he is not my Just an awesome human!
When I first talked to him I was in a really bad state as you all can see from my posts then. Also on his podcast "Shunned". I was really ill physical and he also gave me an opinion which happened to be what I was thinking and had researched and I confronted my doctor about it and it was correct. He gave me the courage to stand up for what I felt was going on health wise with my doctor, not only that but coupled with having a person just talk to me caused this chain reaction. I got healthy and am continuing on that journey, the life long one ( "its all a journey"). I have a doctors check up day after tomorrow so we shall see if I'm still holding and moving forward. I've been working my ass off lately and needed to step back for a bit and focus on me at a different angle. At any rate here are pics of what I looked like when I started the forum and talked with Dubstepped and 3 progressive photos. Its like night and day. The last photo I was feeling especially devious. Lol. But I didn't bite anyone to hard, Hehe.
Ive been wanting to post updated pics versus just old pics of when I was young anyway and this seems like the time. Thank you Dubstepped and I hope that you know how instrumental your have been in my recovery. Also @Wake Me, something you said on one of my first post will never leave my thoughts or my heart. Thank you. Thankyou for looking and reading all. I have so much more news but that is for a different time. Caves
resolute Bandicoot
Good to hear that you are on the rebound Caves.
There's a huge difference between the first picture and the other three, glad you're feeling better Caves. Thanks for the update!
Introvert 2
in my element :
Gorgeous picture there an introvert 1 or were you too introverted to be first lol😉
Caves I thought you were female!! You are far too sensitive and understanding to be make...or am I not allowed to say that😂😂 Hey I wonder where @Wake me up before you go go is?? She was an incredibly smart, wise women. I’m sure wherever she is, she’s doing great things.
I remember when dub stepped began to post. He’s done some fantastic things for our community. I feel very proud of you all, like a mother hen.
Here’s an updated picture of me in the Age of COVID–19:
stan livedeath
with my latest grandson--Benjamin. Born november 2020.
I just turned 75 at the end of January. Cheers!