Here is a picture of the Sierra Lake my dog and I were fishing & swimming at.
Post a Picture Thread - Nice to Meet You !
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And one more picture of our Lizzy dog- aged three and a half years old ! A real hiker she is !
Oooo, that looks nice and cool!!
I'm green with envy...
Did you catch any fish?
ZIDDINA- Yeah, it was very beautiful up there. Had a heavy winter with lots of snow run off really watering the terrain.
MAGWITCH- Yes indeed, I caught 2 pan sized 10 - 12 inch Brook & Rainbow trout, however had to throw 3 back that were too small to eat. Really good eating fresh high mountin trout ! Nothing like it. Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Jdhf and Isojourn....Rawr!!! Flipper, looks like a blast. I've only driven through there on my way to bike races. Wish I could have stayed longer.
No Room For George
Wsup with all these nature pictures, where's PalmTree and that Justia woman?
edit post: Isojourn, u doin?
No Room For George
God I'm so jealous of that horse right about now, why couldn't I be born into a family of equidae instead of devout JWs?
George - you are too funny!