Post a Picture Thread - Nice to Meet You !

by flipper 2310 Replies latest members private

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    YES cute Family !!!!I take it holoween

  • elderelite

    I want to see a pic of broken promises :-D

  • undercover

    Nice photos, all y'all.

    LWT... Visine will get the red out...

  • flipper

    PSAC- Very nice pic of you and your family ! I'm so glad to hear you have love in your life with a beautiful family. Are those like, your natural dreadlocks ? Pretty cool ! My son as you know let his hair grow longer too. He enjoys it as well. I've tried to grow my hair longer but it starts curling up and grows out thicker above my ears and with the gray I look like a cross between Grandpa Munster from " The Munsters " and Bozo the Clown as it poofs out sideways ! LOL ! Thanks for the nice picture of your family

  • AvocadoJake

    Hey Flipper, your not a bad looking chap and your wife is a beauty! "LeavingWt" what song were you singing in your photo, and what instruments do you play, I love the accustic and love to play "Year of 39" Queen pretty decent as well as Tesla's "Fly to the Angels.". What style of music do you love and perform live?

  • flipper

    Thanks Avocado, I appreciate the kind words. Bumping so more can pst pictures ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • cantleave

    This is what you turn into when DF'd for apostasy.

  • flipper

    CANTLEAVE- That is flipping awesome ! LOL ! Nice picture. You make a good " Satan ". Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • PSacramento
    PSAC- Very nice pic of you and your family ! I'm so glad to hear you have love in your life with a beautiful family. Are those like, your natural dreadlocks ?

    Goodness no, those are part of the pirate costume, I don't think I'd have the patience to grow real dreads !

  • flipper

    Here is a picture of my son Flipper Junior preparing to play some music on our back deck !

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