I know the narrative, but no where in the narrative were Adam and Eve informed that Jehovah would use their dying bodies to create a world of a holocaust with bodies smoking up to the sky and seas filled to the brim with floating bloated corpses like some bloodied, stale Dinty-Moore stew left to boil dry under an angry sun.
They just thought they would die.
Surely they would have said no to all that if they'd known the consequences.
Moreover "I" need to know what they were thinking and feeling. The Bible doesn't give me jack-squat. I'm just supposed to suppose that in 900 years of living they hadn't a thought in their heads about all they'd see and how they felt.
I need to see them and judge them myself before I can condemn them.
I can't just have some uber-being say "trust, me, they were shit, now shaddap ere ye be next me boyo!"