This is the 4th study article, to be studied Christmas week as it happens. Title - "Maintaining Friendships in a Loveless World"
para 2 "Today, what a pleasure it is to be associated with a worldwide organization whose members follow the pattern set by first century Christians. We are determined to obey Jesus' command to display genuine love for one another.However,during these last days, people in general are disloyal and fail to show natural affection (2 Tim 3 )The friendships they do form are often shallow and self serving. To keep our identity as Cristians, we must rise above such attitudes. Let us then consider the following ....."
Scan of third page of article :
The sentence in p 16 concludes as "I learned that we cannot make someone love Jehovah or love us. Ultimately, it is a personal choice."
Any comment? I thought they present a warped negative view of freindships outside, and a lot of family I have inside would not recognize the rosy view of friendliness within. Of course any personal friendship is no stronger than being ordered to stop being friends by the elders. Sadly, I can recall doing that to someone myself once...