If "Government Turns on Religion"......

by cameo-d 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cameo-d

    Do you think it would be a good thing or a bad thing?

    It's so obvious there are so many charlatans and liars getting away with fraud.

    It's so obvious that religions are causing most all of the dissention between peoples.

    But, because of WT teachings that this act of "government turning on religion" will harbor the worst evil of all....do you still feel a bit uneasy about it?

    Do you think religions have taught this paranoia to try to save their own a$$?

    So what happens when government calls them on the carpet for misleading people and taking their money and for all the frauds they have perpetrated for too long?

    Will gov. actually do away with religion?

    Or will there just be a "reorganization" of religions?

    Will gov. make them pay up and put them in charge of health care and shelters, etc.?

    If this happens, will this bring in a Theocratic Kingdom arrangement whereby the religions decide "who is worthy" of receiving medical care, etc.?

    Good thing...or bad thing?

    What do you see happening here?

  • dinah

    That whole "nations turning on religion" thing is just a self-fulfilling prophecy.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I see it happening due to Islam extremists and cults. I do not believe that all religions are dangerous cults. Not all of them fit the profile of a cult. I wonder if there will be a cult filter religions have to go through before being legally recognized in the future.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I see government being really strict about a religion having safe rules that don't harm the person.

  • WTWizard

    Religions that initiate force, threats of force, and fraud to draw and retain membership should be banned on that grounds. Other religions can simply be exposed--when people see that there is no salvation hope, they will stop going to church and the churches will go belly up without any legal actions.

    However, I am sure that the Washtowel Babble and Crap Slaveholdery will survive. They will move their operations underground, so the authorities cannot see them. They will find ways to take legal action against apostates, perhaps citing copyright laws or enforcing their baptisms as legally binding contracts to serve the organization. They will see that as a sign that Armageddon is about to strike, and will hole up even more. And, when they find out that nothing happens, they will simply do their time under persecution rather than admit that the religion itself is a hoax.

  • journey-on

    I think it is human nature to form groups to explore spiritual possiblilites. Man is a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual being. Therefore, we procreate and recreate, we communicate and speculate, and we congregate and meditate. It is part and parcel of who and what we are.

    Religion will evolve and become less about doctrine, dogma, and dissention and more about raising our level of consciousness as individuals and becoming more in tune with each other. Like minded people will always congregate to share personal experiences and try to organize them into some sort of spiritual coherence. I don't think Government will turn on religion and ban it altogether.

    The Internet and the ready availability of Information is activating this evolution.

    I think perhaps international laws may eventually ban some religious teachings such as the hate mongering taught in some Islamic madrasas that openly condone murder of "infidels" in the name of Allah.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    I think it's appropriate that governments maintain a vigliance on radical fundamentalism, of whatever stripe. Beyond that, JW's persistent harping on "governments (or the UN) turning on organized religion" is getting tiresome and nothing more than scaremongering

  • The Berean
    The Berean

    Here's my equation:

    • Religion assures people that they will live again if they stay in line and die for the "cause."
    • Governments continually need constituency who are willing to give their lives in patriotic sacrifice.
    • Therefore, Martyrdom is the common prerequisite for both to flourish and survive.
    • Also, both reinforce the threat that an invisible "Big Brother" is watching followers at all times.

    "God and Country" will continue to be the "yoke and bridle" for world powers. One needs the other.

  • read good books
    read good books

    I agree with The Berean's point government needs religion to keep people in line, if Government does anything it's always to expand it's power and control over people, that Government would call religion on the carpet for corruption seems to me like one mafia family accusing another of crime. What governent wants is all religion contolled by government.

  • kurtbethel
    so what happens when government calls them on the carpet for misleading people and taking their money and for all the frauds they have perpetrated for too long?

    Governments criticize that? As if they are any different!

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