how are the dubs reacting to swine flu?

by highdose 14 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • highdose

    i'm just curious as the offical govement advice about swine flu is to stay away from public areas if poss and if you have swine flu to stay from everyone full stop!

    but my experiance of JW's is that they would go to the hall wether they were infectious or not. Many is the time i've sat behind someone coughing or spluttering away! in fact those people were normaly held up as examples to follow "nothing stops them from attending the meetings!" i even remember one time a JW couple brought their very sick son to the hall when he had chicken pox, this casued alot of cases of shingles in the elderly ones afterwards.

    am i the only one to experiance this? will JW's respect the overall health of everyone else in this matter, or is it business as usual?

  • Satanus

    how are the dubs reacting to swine flu?

    Getting sick?


  • Maddie

    Well, I dont know if its affecting their meeting attendance but I am sure they relish the situation, because they are eagerly expectant that it is means Armageddon is here! I feel very sorry for them that they are so desperate for it to happen. Being enslaved to a cult is a very unhappy and exhausting way to live for many of them. They have nothing to look forward to in the life they have so who can blame them for wanting it to end?!


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    My daughter looked at me like I was infected by the Devil when I pointed out the precautions that Christian & Maori religions were taking in NZ, which are quite the opposite to what the JDubs are doing when they have their assembly proclaiming that the earth is about to be overcome with the very diseases they are infecting each other with before they go back to their communities and attempt to knock on every door with their urgent "CHEEEEEW, Sorry", message.

  • ThomasCovenant

    I would guess many of them are thinking ''Great, I'd better catch that soon before all the other brothers get it''

    In my old congregation many had over active thyroids.

    Many others had under active thyroids.

    M.E. was also very popular several years ago.

    I think diabetes and Crohns disease is moving up the charts along with gall stones.

    Round these here parts I think the dubs love it.

  • Edington

    When swine flu first became evident in the UK and it was on the cards that large gatherings may be prohibited by the government, the sentiment in my cong' was that the society would never cancel the assemblies & that bro's & sis' would still gather together despite common sense steps taken by the authorities.


  • quietlyleaving

    a few have been in hospital - mainly children and a couple of vulnerable adults who have health problems.

    I was reminded recently of how Jehovahs witnesses like to demonise others. In this case a group of witnesses attended a wedding in a foreign country that the WTS and Jehovahs witnesses view as an enemy to their work. Witnesses from high flu risk countries also attended the wedding and at the time there was a greater risk of catching flu here in this country than in the enemy country. Well most of the wedding party ended up with swine flu and the enemy country was demonised repeatedly as the source. There was glee that this country was receiving its comeuppence and that witesses shouldn't expect to get anything good by visiting there.

    other than that, yes it is business as usual

  • JustHuman14

    Another sign of the end...perhaps God will use this flu to destroy humans...He will find a way to protect JW's...any how I prefer fire and brimstones falling on my head from heavens, instead having a slow death

  • xcellxior

    I'd imagine the society will release an article on highlighting illness and the fact that the end is even closer etc etc.

    The society is really on the pulse of things.

    Thankfully the GB knows exactly what food is needed at the right time.


  • JustHuman14

    welcome to the board xcellxior...perhaps you can tell us few things about you...

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