I Have A New Grandson But He's Very Sick :(

by minimus 144 Replies latest jw friends

  • ataloa

    I wish all the best for little Benjamin.

  • parakeet

    Minimus, congratulations on the birth of your grandson. When he's home and feeling well enough, maybe you can post a pic? I'd love to "meet" him.

    Benjamin, keep up the good work! You have lots of people near you who love you. You'll soon be home with them.

  • BabaYaga

    Oh, Hon, what a relief... it is good to hear your good news! Here's hoping for continued good news as your little guy gets better and better.


  • ohiocowboy

    I'm happy to hear that your Grandson is doing so well!

  • Lucky Calamity
    Lucky Calamity

    I hope he continues to improve and grow; so sad to start out with such a struggle, but he will be a fighter . . . keeping my fingers crossed for you and your family.

  • lola28

    Awww Min I hope the little one is okay and ready to go home soon enough, btw kudos on the wonderful name!

  • minimus

    Thanks everyone for your inquiries and concerns. Ben had a good night, they lowered his oxygen , took out his catherer, and put him on water seal which is all good news. My daughter leaves this morning without the baby but what can you do? I'll let you folks know any different news but he looks like he's on the mend. It'll just take time.

  • Irreverent

    I was a 28 week preemie born in 1955. I spent 2 months in and out of an incubator at one of the first preemie facilities in our area. I hope that your grandson pulls through this and can live a happy life. My thoughts are with you.

  • blondie

    min, don't you worry. Irreverent is a big strapping guy now, none the worse for wear.

  • aligot ripounsous
    aligot ripounsous


    my best wishes are with Benjamin, his parents and yourself. Babies can be so resilient, I was told that when I was born, my father lamented that I was so small and frail, doctors were unsure about my future. However I wanted to live, everything got fitted in proper order within days and I'm still here. Warm thoughts to you all.

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