I think it's a pretty common practice among JW's. I've lived in 4 different states and attended at least 9 different congregations and it's happened at all of them. Spying, encouraging members to tattle on others. It's all part of the control they want to have over others to keep them under their thumb. I can think of 4 instances off the top of my head where elders sat outside of publishers houses to try to get the dirt so to speak. It's even been done to me, they came up with nothing cause it was all a crazy woman's story they were believing.
Witnesses "Policing" People...Is It True?
by CrimsonBleu 50 Replies latest jw friends
wha happened?
We had a sister in my old hall that loved policing people. One of her daughter's was df'd so many times I didn't know why she even bothered anymore, another daughter was a drug addict and the third one was a lesbian. (I say was because she was injured and died a few years ago in a drug induced accident).
Well she was constantly calling other parents about their children's misdeed. "Excuse me sister so and so but I saw your daughter hanging out with wordly boys". "Excuse me but at school your children swear alot"
But man oh man if u ever made an accusation about her kid.
As part of her policing she went to the elders with a story about me that was about 5 people down the line. She didn't care, she went to the brothers with a story about me bringing women to my hotel room in Vegas. The elders actually approached me on it. I refused to answer unless they had two or more witnesses.
I remember hearing about elders staking out a sister who was accused of having an affair with a nonbeliever married man. They must have come up dry because she was never disfellowshipped.
Oh yeah, it's very true, and very common. I've had it happen to me several times. They " policed " or chased after me like the United States government tried chasing down the Native American Geronimo in the 19th century !
I'll try to be brief. First occurence happened after my seperation from wife # 2 ( who left as a Meth. drug abuser ) . I had been seperated, divorce pending for 3 months. I went out to coffee with a female friend at Starbucks. Apparently someone from my congregation saw me and ratted me out to the elders . They called me in to talk to 3 of them before a meeting asking me questions if I had touched the woman innappropriately, fondled her breasts, touched her private area , etc. I said, " No ! She's just a friend. " Then they said, " You know brother you are'nt scripturally free to date anyone . " I said, " It's not a date. We just had coffee as friends do. " It ended up being one thing that made me stop going to meetings.
3 and a half years later in my fade I was 1 month from marrying Mrs. Flipper - had been divorced from my 1st JW wife for 8 years . She and her new JW husband came driving 80 miles out of their way to spy on me and Mrs. Flipper to see if we were doing the horizontal bop ( making love ) - I answered the door fully clothed at 9:30 A.M. in the morning as I was taking her to get her brakes fixed . Well - long story short, my ex-wife , hubby, and youngest JW daughter spread rumors to my JW family that I had committed fornication, then the ex-wife got a full scale elder JC coming after me ! The elders dragged it out trying to get me to confess for 9 months - I denied any wrongdoing. They finally DFed me because I would not attend a JC - then I appealed the DFing, threatening them with a lawsuit for slander and defamation of character. The society overturned the disfellowshipping , I was free to go , and they've never messed with me since. If they know what's good for them - they won't. The stress was so bad I went on blood pressure medicine in the fall of 2006. This cult has to be stopped or they'll kill all their members in time from stress alone
My ex-husband was a very large man. We had to sit with an empty chair between us. One day at a crowded meeting, a brother wanted to sit in our four-chair row. Rather than be stuck sitting next to this brother, my husband suggested I go sit up front with my mother and my brother who was visiting from out of town. So I did.
We weren't having marital problems yet at this point. I stood talking with him both before and after the meeting. But I got hauled in front of the elders later and chewed out for not sitting with my husband. And it started a whole slew of gossip about me that tormented me for the next year and a half that I was in.
Once, in my JW dominated neighborhood, my car was having problems and its engine was smoking. One of the sisters saw the smoke and turned her head up in a gesture of pure disdain. Within a minute one of the brothers came out running dashing from cover to cover taking pictures of my smoking car with his cell phone. He probably thought that this demonized apostate that I am was engaging in a chemical attack upon their sacred neighborhood or something.
Same in my area also,
In the beginning, while I was still a "Study", another well established Sister in the Hall had circumstances similar to mine and we became friends, so to speak... comparing notes. For some reason she would tell me things that I already felt were not in line with what I was learning.
Not really knowing how to respond to her, I mentioned these things to my Study Conductor, who immediately said the Elders needed to be informed of such. I told her, I can't do that, that would be "ratting" someone out. I felt horrible about the whole deal and felt hounded until she got her way.
A meeting with the Elders was set up, I told them what I knew, and from then on... was questioned off and on about any conversations the Sister and I had. I hated it and told them so many times, only to be met with... "We must keep our congregation clean".
I was so confused by it all, why, oh why... didn't I just walk away from all the BS then ??
I have heard this cult being described as a "big brother is watching you" kind of 'religion'. I think it is so true. It's terrible that people in that cult keep an eye out on each other! You'd think they were CIA agents or something. It's awful; it's disgusting. If only innocent people knew what they are getting into in this nasty organization before they get hooked in and conditioned themselves to 'police' others in the cult. Nobody has the right to do that.
"big brother is watching you" kind of 'religion'
I am the eye in the sky
Looking at you
I can read your mind
I am the maker of rulesDealing with foolsI can cheat you blind
And I don't need to see any more
To know that
I can read your mind, [looking at you] I can read your mind,[looking at you]i can read your mind [looking at you] i can read your mind -
twinkle toes
Hi Twinkle toes
My husband (Kaytee) has just asked me if I had posted a reply on the WT policing thread (Re: Mary hospital receptionist) I was confused at first and thought that I had been "sleep walking and posting on JWD", until I realised that we have both chosen the same name !
You are Twinkle toes and I am Twinkletoes - it's very confusing for other posters, but at least I think we are both on the same side of the fence where JWs are concerned.
The WT article that you posted was very interesting - isn't it awful how they can manipulate the scriptures to control the rank and file.
Hi Twinkletoes, Sorry about saddling up with your name. I didn't realize someone else was using something so similar. I tried to change the name when I first came on, but I don't know how.I had Fred Flinstone in mind when I picked it. Don't really know why. Anyway I do believe we are on the same side. Hopefully we can continue to represent similar veiwpoints so we wont get each other in any hot water. LOL Much agape love (barf) twinkle toes