Awake August 2009

by bobld 16 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • bobld

    Some excerpts:"Treated Like a Nobody"

    "When officially sanctioned (disfellowsipped by WBTS) discrimination can lead to such evils as ethnic cleansing(kicked out of the congregation).

    "Bigotry and intolerance (don't talk or help a disfellowshipped person, fired him from an elders construction company) where there are laws against discrimination".

    The right education can (ON THIS FORUM) expose the root cause of prejdice (disfellowshipping) and help us deal wisely with prejudice when we are victims".

    'Prejudice may be sown by those( you can add those here) who deliberately promote warped views of other cultures (religion such as the Roman Catholic church)".

    We should choose our associates wisely(if we associate with workmates or other religions WE WILL BE DISCRIMINATED>disfellowshipped<).

    Don't get me started on P22 Clergy-Laity.

    By the way I just read "Blues Brother Wt 15/10/09-RE D/F'D friends.Now I am really PISSED-OFF.


  • WTWizard

    This is blatant hypocrisy. The witlesses bash outsiders for ethnic cleansing and discrimination, and then they do the exact same thing. They have to because their doctrines are so full of holes, and are intentionally confusing (so people will not question them). They want people to do poorly in math (so they will not see the irregularities in their numbers) and science (so Quack Losch can teach them the bogus science). And those who are good in math and science are a threat to this fragile belief system.

    And yes, they have a clergy class, regardless of what they call it. Everyone is an ordained minister, meaning they are supposed to go out in field circus and recruit everyone they can (and be held responsible for the spiritual condition of everyone in the territory). But they do have levels of hounders to keep people in line, and higher-up hounders to make sure the local hounders are in line with the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger (which is equivalent to the Pope). In fact, this structure is so similar to that of the early Catholic church (which the witlesses bash for starting the First Dark Ages) that there is danger that, given the chance, the Washtowel Slaveholdery will start the Second Dark Ages.

  • wobble

    You are spot on again Wizard,

    Their hypocrasy stinks up to the heavens, I do believe you are right too, that if they managed to get a real hold on society,they would usher in the darkest of ages. All within the group are in darkness.

    So it is down to all of us to expose them as the charlatans they are, at every opportunity.



  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    While the statements are accurate, they, like nearly anyone wishing to point up themselves as the example to follow, do not see themselves in the statements.

    Is there another church that anyone knows of that expects expelled members to continue to attend, to sit in the back, to enter so as to avoid all contact with the current membership, follow along with every word and song, and leave quietly without ever speaking to another soul? And all that is supposed to 'show our love' ? And is an expected course of conduct for anyone wishing to re-enter the flock? Oh, and that person is expected to have absolutely no association with family and friends for an extended period of time, and is also expected to have absolutely no association with 'worldly' people either, while his 'repentance', shown by the above, is evaluated by men who claim they do not judge one another?

    Dark indeed. So dark that any sort of light could not penetrate.


  • passwordprotected

    So it is down to all of us to expose them as the charlatans they are, at every opportunity.

    What Wobble said.

    Btw, does anyone have a scan?

  • brinjen

    I'm just currently setting up a computer I just had repaired... I've got the magazine and I can scan the article and put a link to it on here... will probably do that tonight.

  • insearchoftruth

    Thanks Brinjen!!!!

  • brinjen

    As promised, here's the link to download all 7 pages of the article...

    The file is 17Mb, the scans are high resolution. Scroll to the bottom of the page to where it says 'Save file to your PC' and click on the 'click here'.

  • insearchoftruth

    Thanks again....downloading now!

  • brinjen

    Your welcome.

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