Why do people feel they have to be religious to be a good or decent person. Why do they think they need a religion to be truly'
happy inside. There is so much more out there then the fear you need some type of faith to get by in life.
by AK - Jeff 17 Replies latest watchtower bible
Why do people feel they have to be religious to be a good or decent person. Why do they think they need a religion to be truly'
happy inside. There is so much more out there then the fear you need some type of faith to get by in life.
They are absolutely watering it down these days; think back to the "End of False Religion is Near" tract campaign. Now it's just "find a good religion"?
"Finding a good" religion implies there is more than one good religion to choose from. I can't imagine the dubs think that is possible.
You don't need a religion to read the Bible or have faith.
I find I no longer need religion or the Bible (or any "holy book") to have "faith" ..though this may offend some. I find points from each of the major "holy books" to be useful in examining my thought processes.
I am pretty good with my relationship with the Creator without some man-made fantasies (aka religion). Maybe out of old dying habits I may refer to the Creator as "Jehovah".... and I am sure that the entity has a sense of humor at the odd nickname we have given it. I do not attempt to "pray" to it...I figure if it created me it certainly can read my mind without the formality of bowing my head and "supplicating" it.
Mostly....I try not to piss off the Creator by taking care of myself and those I love and the planet best I can and still have a reasonable life while I occupy the place for a short time.
but that's just me...one lone man's opinion... Toni and I seem to have a "cut and paste" method to our spirituality...and it is just fine with us.
Snakes (Rich )
oh...Watchtower? I am going to take my few remaining ones that my mom sent me.....put them through the shredder....and then give the shredded pieces to George (George is my fiancee's son's hamster) for the bottom of his cage.... or maybe take them to the credit union tomorrow for "shredder day." LOL
Snakes, I have a similar world view in the matter of 'spirituality' these days.
I occasionally ask the Maker [for lack of a better term/title] to show himself to me. Nothing yet.
I had long ago removed any Jw lit from my house [other than a few pieces in the library - don't know why I keep those either except they look nice on the shelf].
My wife knows the 'sister' very well that 'placed' them with her. Just a couple days ago my wife's jw sister began to ask her when she was going to 'come back' to the 'truth'. With this incident, the jw gossip will have her just on the verge of a leap back into the arms of the loving brotherhood I imagine. Oh how the gossip wheel would change if they only knew that she obtained them in my behalf. LOL
I will define a good religion as one that helps its followers to find the best possible moral code. This code needs to be one that, if everyone on the planet followed it to the T, the world would be the best possible place to live on. It must produce no stagnation, it must not impose any burdens above and beyond that which is absolutely necessary, and it must not create any problems where none existed. It needs a fair way to deal with willful transgressors, as well as those who make stupid mistakes and judgment errors. Practicing it must be a joy (and not fake joy, either), and it must appeal to everyone from the smallest children to those 98-year-old ladies (who would feel like a child in practicing it). And, it must always offer the truth, as best as possible, with fully integrated honesty.
The Washtowel religion flunks miserably. A moral code that is so full of petty rules (that often vary from one hounder to the next, and different rules for different people) cannot possibly be the best. People getting assigned to assignments that they are not suited for does not make the best of what you have to work with, and therefore imposes stagnation and burdens (whether it be witlessing to just plain men, giving a talk you do not believe in or you feel will be thrown back in your face, or making cheese for 30 years, these assignments are a burden if one doesn't want them).
Fair? How fair is it when a pedophile gets away with it, while the victims get in trouble for honestly reporting it? Or, when a damn party card will get you in trouble while bribery won't? People get in more trouble for questioning (not teaching against, just questioning) the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger than those pedophiles and murderers within the congregation get. And, you can get in big trouble for a lapse in judgment (not even willful sins).
Now, how much fun is it? How many small children do you see that actually would rather spend Saturday morning in field circus than outside playing? Or, would rather be at the Grand Boasting Session than at the amusement park? How many great science breakthroughs have come from practicing the religion? (If it was the truth, at least a few should have). You see the elderly--how often do they go out in field circus eagerly? On the other hand, how often do you find people struggling to get up, showing up 15 minutes late, "Oh I don't want to be out this morning!", with a cup of coffee going, and straggling out 15 minutes after the prayer? I have seen more of the latter--along with extended warm up breaks, slow walking, and plenty of wasted time. If this religion was a joy to practice, that would not be the case.
No, the witlesses are not a good religion. They have to resort to deception and coercion to get and keep members--I would say they are a crap religion.
It's just marketing. They often say things slightly differently in publications for mass consumption. Most people don't believe there is a 'one true religion' so they use a different phrase designed not to turn people right off straight away. Most people believe that all religions are basically good so it lures them in. Once they get studying the real brainwashing begins.
What can one expect from a group of old coots hiding out in a dorm with little contact outside? The only reality they have is their own