That's a quarter percent increase over last year. Partakers this year was 275. I don't know the partakers figure for last year. These results were in the U K August Kingdom Ministry. Wizards post several weeks ago, which showed the U S increase was 2%. Let's hope the rest of the world follow UK figures.
.25% memorial attendance increase in UK 2009
by alanv 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
in the words of bonjovi its 'the final countdown'......or maybe now most of the ones who remember that are dead they can now convince the present day jws that theyre workin back up to 144,000 before armageddon comes, new light n all that lol.
Actually the final countdown was Europe NOT Bon Jovi. Sorry to be pedantic - lol
I hope there are more partakers than non-partakers soon. I wonder what they are going to do when they realize that something like 400,000 or 500,000 are partaking and claiming to be anointed. How they are going to get out of that pickle, I don't know.
doh! you are sooo right, and he was soooo pretty
Thank you, Alan, for that update. I guess that's 557 people more. Well, with those odds, the percentage of those getting baptized eventually would be low. I see last year there was a 1% increase in publishers in Britain. It will be interesting what kind of increase is happening in the publishers there this year.
The P.O ( COBOE now ) of my Congo.gave me a shepherding call (really a call to catch me out and DF me) and he said even if the country or world-wide figures show a decrease it will not affect his faith.
He is a dyed-in-the wool Uber Dub,his brother is on the writing committee in Brooklyn, but I wonder if real figures are given out,will it not shake the faith of the R&F ? the many claims over the years that the "expansion" is proof of Jehoobers blessing,surely some will reason that the contraction shows the opposite?
I doubt it really, I think the cunning bastards on the writing committee,including that prat I referred to earlier, will spin it as "refinement"
p.s I renew my call ,that I made when I first joined this board, for 144,001 partakers next year,as a minimum ! (couldn't loads of us 'postates go along,clutching our barf bags,and partake ?)
anything less than 1% is real terms decrease due to population growth - especially so for JWs who are hitting the IMMIGRANT population hard for new members
If the numbers go up, then they praise themselves for the blessing from Jehovah.
If the numbers go down, then they tell the flock to try harder. Need more aux pio and reg pio. Need more RVs and Bible Studies. Need to learn new languages to reach more people.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
That's not much of an increase.
I think it's safe to say that in the UK, Harry Potter is far more successful than Hojovah.