by badboy 34 Replies latest jw friends
Does the book of bible stories vount?
White Dove
Yes I have, the Knowledge book. I credit it on teaching me how to spell "knowledge."
White Dove
Oh yes, and I read the Bible Horrors Book several times.
Well, yes...was "in" for more than thirty years. So many books studied for book studies...yes, I read them all...cover to cover....I was a really, really, good witness.
BADBOY- I'm embarrassed to say yes- I was one of those WT cult mind controlled dubs who read every new book release cover to cover ! Exhale ! In 6 years since my exit I've had to re-educate myself with lots of reading of non-witness material - and it's helped me to think straight like a normal human again. Garbage out ; good stuff in
Deputy Dog
The first time I ever studied with JW, it took four years to get through the knowledge book.
I was a slow reader with lots and lots of questions.
I read almost all of them from cover to cover. I even read the Babylon the Grape Has Fallen tome 3 times from cover to cover. Still didn't understand a damn thing it said. Neither did Freddie, and he wrote it!
Not that I recall. Even though I was a regular aux pioneer, I couldn't read through (as in for sure read every page) a lot of the books. It isn't that I hate reading either I'm actually quite the opposite.
I have read physics textbooks (whee astrophysics and basics), biology books (including pathology, biochemistry, endocrinology, horticulture) math textbooks, and tons of coding and language stuff for my computer hobby, and I can't read through a WT book without difficulty. I have too many moments where I scan across something and it either makes my core (hard to describe the inner sinking pulling feeling) hurt because it bothers my conscience and self as a whole to believe certain things or to treat my fellow man a certain way.
I also used to even when I had it in my head that "You should always respect the society/God's organization", have issue with the magazines or literature stroking their ego a bit too hard. While I did appreciate the effort put in by people that belive they are genuinely doing gods work (making the magazines etc) it was giving too much glory to the wrong place, I didn't really get mad about it I'd just more chuckle and be like "Okay then lets find out where the God part is, what he is up to and where I fit into that" and move on, but it was common enough.
The only book I read cover to cover was Mankind's Search for God, even then I was insulted by some of the takes on other faiths. I think I read it when I was 12 or 13. At that time I had studied the other faiths enough to know the truth about them.
I never got too excited over new releases except the creation one, but then that led me to logic !=correct. (!= is does not equal for those that don't know, I use that one a fair bit). I think I stopped reading most of the way though after all the big exciting numbers went away.
Now that I am out of the organization I do like (not necessarily enjoy) reading the Watchtower and Awake, if not for myself then me keeping tabs on it since I still am asked to joust a bit over it with my remaining JW family members. I can only do well for myself if I stay current, but I read them in chunks of 3-4 rather than constantly as I want to try and clear up my head too.
White dove, I'm glad to hear I am not the only one, heh heh. It helped me win a spell-a-thon. I raised about 70 bucks which was a lot in those days. I paid for most of the class' fieldtrip.
It was one of the few moments in my life where I was proud of myself, and my witness "best friend" told the teacher I cheated using notes in my desk (she got one wrong halfway through cutting off her cash count), this led many in the class to get angry with me, one kid dumped my desk to look for proof (all my nice stuff on the floor!). My innocence was proven, but darn. There isn't one thing I could have for myself without getting crapped on by WT or it's associates in some way. The teacher was pretty ticked off too. I am laughing typing this because I didn't even really remeber that until now and it is rather unreal. How can people behave that way and think they are kind and loving in any capacity? That girl went on to do things like that do me for many years and the only reason I kept going back was, there was literally no choice for friends in the org.
I wonder why I never told my Mom that..... She would have probably been really mad about that. At that point I had basically given up on any sense of individual justice because I was so used to being told I was wrong regardless of my intentions.
Is this a trick question? Of course I have! In no particular order and from what I can remember - the Happiness book, YPA book, Live Forever, Knowlege, Family (both of them), Daniel, Isaiah, Revelation, Greatest Man, Creator, Mankinds Search. Of course most of this reading was prep for the Book study. None of this reading ever helped me be happy, provided answers that worked, explained the Bible or Jesus in a way other than what the Society taught, helped me in my search for God, or gave me useful knowlege.