What would humans strive to achieve if it were not what others already had?
Is jealousy a "good thing"?
by The Berean 19 Replies latest jw friends
So, jealousy is the only thing that motivates humans?
Where did the others get it from?
Love is not jealous. (1 Cor. 13:4) A ≠ C.
God is love. (1 John 4:16) B = A.
God is jealous. (Exodus 20:5) B = C.
Does not compute.
I think most emotions are a good thing. Not so good when out of control though.
God is love. (1 John 4:16) B = A.
God is jealous. (Exodus 20:5) B = C.
Does not compute.
Gods jealousy is nothing to do with envy or materialism or idolizing of objects or people. It is simply the "jealousy of a love" that is full and pure and desires commitment from the object of that love . He loves us and we love him just as a husband and a wife love each other or a father and a son, his jealousy over us is a symbol of that love, God is both angered and upset by betrayal, unfaithfulness and divorce because he is Love! God created us to share that love with him. Normally when people are jealous the motives are far from pure love, but more to do with selfish desires for pleasure or money, I believe Godly jealousy is the kind of jealousy that seeks to hold and protecta loved one from sin and straying away from a right loving commitment, It is not wrong for example to feel jealous over a wife who is flaunting herself and flirting with other men, the jealousy would serve to give the man a strong will for righteous rebuke for her. we should protect them with all the conviction of Godly jealousy….. is a symbol of deepest and purest love it seeks not to harm but rather protect.
. Every quality is a two sided coin ...one of good & pure intent ..one harmful or evil intent
But Caliber... the scriptures say, "Love is not jealous." I happen to believe that there is no jealousy in a good relationship. One trusts and is trusted, and does not feel threatened.
Why does the Almighty feel jealousy because of us?
My belief is that an omnipotent and perfect being would not feel jealousy. It is a petty emotion, which suggests a sense of lacking.
What is love not jealous of ?.... things of self interest in the human realm. God is above the human realm
He is the Landlord of life & we are his tenants
It is a petty emotion, which suggests a sense of lacking.
What is your source for this conclusion or thought ? How can any quality be totally labeled good or bad
without circumstance and intent revealed ?
What is love not jealous of ?.... things of self interest in the human realm. God is above the human realm
You said it yourself. Jealousy is for things of self-interest in the human realm, and (G)od is above all of that.
So then, why is he jealous?