Is it wrong to change your religion?
by Mickey mouse 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
White Dove
If this is the one about you having the religious freedom and obligation of changing your religion to that of the WTS, I read that and couldn't believe they could say such a thing. It's all fine and dandy to leave the Catholic church or stop being a Baptist to become a JW, but since they don't allow it to work in reverse, it's hypocritical and is a double standard. It's
White Dove
Remember the one about getting off a sinking ship? You MUST get off of it. I was a hard core dub at the time, but I felt that it was a double standard because JW's aren't allowed to leave "WACO" or "JONESTOWN."
Well as to answer the question, there isn't any Real Deity that is going to punish you for giving your money, time and free labor to a different set of hawkers of his word regardless of the variations of scams, scare tactics or feel good sermons they use.
So then we should consider this in a less absolutist vain and say it depend all on point of view, I'm sure that those (preacher, or Organization)who stand to lose a member to another group with a different set of beliefs,,Then it is wrong but if the reverse happens to the same group and they are gaining members they it is no longer wrong but right.
If this video is what I think it is.. it is very clever, and well reasoned. Nothing really raises any red flags (though they might notice the WT doublespeak and be frightened away from watching by that alone) and logically leads the watcher to an appropriate 'sciriptural reason' for educating themselves on high control groups - something the society would NEVER want a witness to do.
- Lime
Mickey mouse
HintOfLime, you have a PM.
billie jean
Very well put together video.
Well done!
Good job!