Interfaith in NYC?? Who knows details?

by OhHappyDay 23 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • JosephAlward
    He said that they would never link to an official website of any religion without an express, written request on their letterhead.

    I wrote yesterday to Steven Friedlander of the Interfaith center as asked him if the above statement was accurate. In his reply to me today, he made it clear that he didn't have the answer to my question. Here is what he said:

    In order for me to accurately reply, I need first to speak with our Communications Coordinator, Mr. Will Luers, who is responsible for maintaining and updating the website. Mr. Luers is away, but will return after the New Year holiday. At that time, either Mr. Luers or myself will be back in touch with you via email.
    Thus, if Friedlander really did make the claim alleged by a forum member, then he seems no longer willing to stand by it.

    Joseph F. Alward
    "Skeptical Views of Christianity and the Bible"


  • JosephAlward

    This morning I received two emails. The first is from the Unitarians, who were offended at the comments about their faith on the Interfaith Center’s web page. The second is from controversial Mr. Steven Friedlander, who Dino said told him that their organization “never” links to another site without permission from them on letterhead stationary.

    Dear Mr. Alward:

    I certainly don't recall the interfaith center requesting permission to
    link to the UUA site; I am discouraged at their presentation of UUism in
    light of the coverage they provide to other religions. I will write to them
    to request a more complete listing of our faith traditions. Thanks for
    writing to us to alert us to this page.

    Best wishes,

    Debbie Weiner

    Deborah J. Weiner
    Director of Electronic Communication
    Unitarian Universalist Association
    25 Beacon Street
    Boston, MA 02108

    Here’s the letter from Friedlander (emphasis added):

    After having consulted with our Communications Coordinator, Will Luers, I can now report the following with regard to the content on The Interfaith Center of New York’s website.

    Our website contains both links to many different organizations and groups as well as our own proprietary content. All material is intended to provide information to the public. We do not have any arrangement with the Jehovah’s Witnesses (including its affiliated groups) with regard to the content on our site. If you have further questions, please contact Will Luers ( Thank you again for your feedback.”

    Steven M. Friedlander, Vice President
    The Interfaith Center of New York, Inc.

    I think this ends it.

    Joseph F. Alward
    "Skeptical Views of Christianity and the Bible"


  • Moxy

    hear hear joe.

    this is the dumbest thing ive seen in a while. how it is that joseph can be accused of being a WT apologist baffles the imagination.


  • hawkaw

    Thanks Joe for the information.

    WRT Moxy's comment

    I have a big time disgust for your comment Moxy. That was seriously unprofessional. A lot of good hearted people thought it was a good idea to investigate it. Dino was given some information verbally and Joe checked up on it.

    Your comment could be taken by some as a put down and they may stop investigating things. Also you should keep in mind that I am still not a Joe A. "fan". His comments and web site wrt to the UN/WTS issue were/are absolutely disgusting.


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