French Literature ... what say ye?

by RR 14 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • RR

    As some of you here may or may not know. My wife and her family are Haitian, so they attended the French congregation. When I was a Witness I was at the time interested in the old books and history of the faith. So in an attempt toi enlighten my in-law, I sought for old French literature. HAving been a witness since 1975, she had everything from the 70s to the present.

    I managed to find a set of original Millennial Dawns and Studies in the Scriptures volumes as well as the Tabernacle Shadows. My most prized possession in the French language is a set of [Zion's] Watch Tower from 1903 -1917 and am wondering if it would be worth scanning and making them available?

    What say ye?


  • cabasilas

    Mais, bien sur! Je les voudrais lire.

    (Hope that's right!) :)

  • Farkel

    :What say ye?

    Only if you translate them into English FIRST!


  • Motema Bolingo
    Motema Bolingo

    Bien sûr, c'est une excellente idée !

    De nombreux ex-TJ francophones se plaignent très souvent que la littérature ancienne de la WT dans leur langue est plutôt rare sur le net.

    En 1978, nous avons assisté (mon épouse et moi) à une assemblée en français à Monroe - USA (il y avait beaucoup d'Haïtiens présents)

    Voici notre site (en français, en néerlandais et une partie en anglais) :


    Of course, it's an excellent idea !

    Many French-speaking ex-JW are very often complaining that old WT literature in their language is rather rare on the net.

    In 1978, we attended (my wyfe and I) a convention in French in Monroe (they were many Haitians present).

    Our website (in French, in Dutch and a part in English) :

  • lescopains

    est aussi une excellente source de documents en français .

    Ce site fermera probablement courant 2009 _ 2010 donc téléchargez les pages et documents

    Amitiés à tous

  • cabasilas


    Why is the TJ encyclopedia site closing? It will certainly be missed. I checked there and they don't have scans of the Millennial Dawn series in French or of the early Watch Towers in French. Hopefully, if these are scanned, some other sites can put them up to be used for reference.

  • lescopains


    Comme toi je souhaiterais que ce site de tj encyclopédie continue .

    Peut-être que des amis sur ce forum seront conscients de l'importance qu'il y a à le préserver et poursuivent le travail de très grande valeur qui y a été entrepris


  • cameo-d
  • cabasilas

    Translation of lescopains post:

    Like you I would hope that the TJ encyclopedia site continues.

    Maybe the friends on this forum will be conscious of the importance of preserving and continuing the work of very great value, which has been undertaken there.

    (Please excuse my inexact translation ability!)

  • QuestForThruth

    Si ca interesse certain,j'aurais quasi toute les Reveillez-vous et Tour De Garde de 1960 a 1990.

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