Video on 1975 for JWs
by Mickey mouse 15 Replies latest jw friends
Very good, and thanks for putting in the materials.
The Almighty Homer
Mythology is Bullshitting , its just that some choose to exploit it and make money off it like the JWS.
Spiritual food provided by the Faithful and Discrete Slave of course !
Stand away from false prophets says the bible, particular the ones that are selling their prophecies !
I became a JW in 1969 ... this video clip is very good indeed! In a condensed fashion, it tells it like it happened. The very first Awake! that I read was the October 8, 1968, which you featured ... the buzz among the JWs was "Stay Alive till '75."
In fact, the JWs did not think the system could last that long, and were expecting things to happen closer to 1973 or 1974. The famous oil embargo in 1973 heightened this belief.
The soft-peddling began in the summer conventions in 1975, before the October 1975 failure ... newspapers picked up on this shift in emphasis ... it was embarrassing. The Society introduced the "Eve" factor, adding in a few more years from Adam's creation until Eve's creation and the fall of Adam at the end of the sixth creative day. This was done to allow some more time ... and in the same talk, the Society chided any JW who would dare dream that the old system would last another ten years
Well ... ten years came and went (1985), then another ten years (1995), then another ten years (2005), and in just a few more years, forty years will have passed since 1975 ... clearly, the Watchtower Society, its leaders and writers, have proven beyond any doubt that they are false prophets ... liars.
I would also say that those who are unable to take responsibilities for their own failings are likely to have these failings brought to their attention until such a time as responsibility IS taken.
Lucky Calamity
I want a copy of that book.
I am amazed that my folks who converted to Jehovahdoom in the early 70's and who are now fast approaching an old age ,(that I'm sure they never expected to reach before Armageddon), are still dutiffully going to ASSemblies and spending a small fortune on more craptower literature like that stuff in the video . . . amazing.
I was alive in '75 and remember the dubs in my KH all but holding their breath till Armageddon would supposedly begin.
Your video shows why dubs had reason to believe this and how low the WTS stooped afterward by blaming the dubs for their faith in the WTS's earlier prediction.
Good job.
The Almighty Homer
I was a JW during the 70's and I can tell you people were anxious and on their toes during those years , they
were really scaring the shit out of everybody. I know of 3 three young teenagers who committed suicide during those years.
People were holding off getting married and married couples held off having children, teens dropped out of high school or didn't
even think of going to collage, all perpetrated by that bogus religious publishing company
known as the Watchtower Society.
Lucky Calamity
That's really, really, really sad to think that people committed suicide over that, Homer. I'm sorry you lost those people.
I want a copy of that book.
You can download a PDF of the book at: