Some years ago me and my wife we were visited by a relative and his wife (all JWs...) ... it was few days after Christmass.....
Upon arival they gave us nicely wraped gifts ....
We joked "Wow how nice of you to get us Christmass gifts...!"
They replied: Well it is not for Christmass, but we were with our inlaws recently, and they have this nice tradition of celebrating "Happy Day". They held between Christmass and New years eve ... You know, its good for kids, so when kids get back to school, they are not embarassed by not having any new presents... So we thought, its neat and decided to celebrate it as well ... How do you like the idea, it is not Christmass, its just a substitute...????"
We were really surprised (and probablky looked so...) so they never came back to us with Happy Day gifts...
Did you have any similar experience?
BTW - It made me to want to go a brothel, of course not to have sex, just to pretend I have some...
Or to walk in a Kingdom hall with a lighted cigarette, but not inhalling the smoke...