Have a Happy Day - Whatever.....

by waiting 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • waiting

    Hey y'all,

    For whatever reason we find ourselves not working on this upcoming Monday - have a good one, ok?

    I cannot bring myself to utter the words "Merry Christmas" just too foreign. I managed "Thank you, you have a nice one too." Thought that was pagan enough for the first year out, don't you think?

    Well, a lot of us have no one and no where to go this year. We've left friends/family twice. Our blood family and now our "in-the-truth" families. What to do? Who have we not offended or will still talk to us? How do we build back the bridges we purposely burned? A phone call, card, works wonders, btw.

    Whatever, Monday is a good day - enjoy the football games, buy a pizza or go to somebody's house unexpectedly. Enjoy......

    As the light changed from red to green to amber and back to red again, I sat there thinking about life. Was it nothing more than a lot of honking and yelling? Sometimes it seemed that way. Jack Handey

    So, for all who have wished Merry Christmas to us new outies, "Thank you, and you have a good one too."


  • RR

    Bah Humbug! Well I figured if my blood family didn't want to 'know' me when I became a JW and that my JW family did not want to 'know' me when I left the JWs, then "go fly a kite" [that's as vulgar as I can get].

    I'm going over to New York tomorrow to have a Christmas dinner with some friends from Church. Went to Church today and my daughter made out like a bandit, since she's the only child in the place.

    So have a happy everyone!

    "People in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones"

  • waiting

    Hey RR,

    Being newly free, I will do what I've done for a long time - not much at all. I have several invitations, but will refrain. That's a big jump for a long time jw.

    Girls always make out like bandits when in the center light. It's a gift they have. I have a daughter. As she got older, she was glad I had 2 sons and no more daughters. Didn't have to share the limelight.

    I always told her that I hope she has a daughter just like herself - a just dessert and revenge. And I will spoil her rotten.


  • RedhorseWoman

    Ho! Ho! Ho! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! It gets easier every year. At first you can't say it at all....then it kind of squeaks out and you almost choke on the words (but lightning does NOT strike you). After awhile it actually feels good....especially if there is light snow falling. (Even though we don't have a tree up because my daughter is going to her boyfriend's parents house, and my husband was too lazy to haul it out and set it up.....yes, it IS his fault!)

  • larc

    I know full well what RHW is saying here. Once you realize that the Lord God Jehovah is not going to strike you dead and the demons aren't going to possess your couch, Merry Christmas is really fun to say. If you're afraid, start out by saying it to a sales clerk, rather than an elder.

    Now regarding your husband and the tree deal. I have some advice for the guys out there: When you are wrong, promptly admit it to your wife. When she's wrong, don't say a word.

    Words of wisdom from your old uncle Larc

  • claudia

    Merry Christmas! See Im obviously still here, nope,no lightning struck.

  • waiting

    Hey Red, (and larc by association)

    At whatever stage you apologize to your wife, the answer is always the same - "it's too late now." Denys Parsons

    I don't even have to add "generally speaking" to this one, do I, larc?


  • TR

    Merry Christmas!

    Saying these words reminds me of a time long ago before I was a JW. Wonderful memories growing up with all the family traditions. My cousins coming over on Christmas eve, staying up late and exchanging gifts. My grandma making her homemade fudge, having the house decorated with our Christmas school projects, anticipating the gifts I wished for and proud of my hand made creations to give to my parents and brothers. Singing Christmas carols with the family.

    I miss those days like crazy. It just isn't the same anymore. The years of being a JW hardened me in some way. I try to re-capture the feelings I used to have, but never seem able to. I'm a more distant person these days. I have a hard time being close to family members now. I used to hug everyone. It's hard for me to do that now. For 11 years I distanced myself from my family because they didn't embrace my religion. I conditioned myself to avoid family and friends. Time has passed me by, and I'm racing to catch up with it.

    Merry Christmas you guys! Tomorrow, I'll try to hug everybody at the family gatherings, and I'll imagine hugging all of you on the board. I know I've been kind of a dork and tend to ramble incoherently, but I think you might like me in person better. I've learned a lot on this board, and I thank you, Simon, for making it possible. I bow down and exclaim to all of you: I'm not worthy! I'm not Worthy!"

    TR- wishing everyone the best!

  • Simon

    We're having a great time here - can you believe IT'S SNOWING ! (We normally only get rain).
    The kids have got new Thunderbirds toys and some other bits and bobs are are so excited they've been running round the house like loonies with them.
    It does get easier and it does get better although I guess having young children helps. It would be nice to be able to go and visit someone but my JW relatives are ignoring us (thanks Mum) and I don't really know my non-JW ones. Angharad's mum and dad are coming to visit us tomorrow though.
    Ho, ho, ho, everybody!

  • logical


    Edited by - logical on 26 December 2000 7:39:48

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