Where did the Watchtower Org learn its Mind Control techniques ?

by wobble 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • boyzone

    Wasn't it the Knorr era that the real power of disfellowshipping came to the fore? I think it was Ray Franz that said the majority of the GB meetings was to discuss whether something was a "disfellowshipping offence" or not.

    Ever since then, the need to keep the rank and file under control is just the same but has to be done more subtly. People are more clued up and cynical now, they have more info at their fingertips, so the Society have had to learn the art of careful manipulation and sophistry to keep the level of control they once had. Also life is more complicated now, there are so many variables in peoples lives to keep track of that the Society have a plethora of rules for virtually every circumstance. For these rules to be accepted, they have to be delivered in a palatable manner that won't arouse suspicion that they don't know what they're talking about.

    I don't believe the techniques of mind control haven't been sat down and deliberately learned, but they've evolved out of the need to keep that control. The techniques have to be employed more and more often as the Witnesses become more savvy. That's why I believe the Governing Body have "a tiger by the tail" in this organization. They've created a monster that'll one day turn round and destroy them. It'll implode up its own arse as more and more witnesses gradually realise they're being duped by the man behind the curtain.

  • frankiespeakin

    They learned it naturally as naturally as you or I learned to lie to save our asses, I doubt they got to be mind control cult by reading about how to be a mind control cult.

    Not to mention the bible has been and excellent book for controlling populations for centuries with it scary stories about a jealous, murderous Deity. Faith seems to be a key element, along with clever interpretations of what this angry Deity wants and doesn't want,, has been used by many sects of bible worshipers for centuries., So much of what is written in the bible automatically lends it self depending on interpretation to effective means of subjugation people to a clergy class arrogant enough to claim special privileges for themselves and their positions of authority over their flock of followers. Take a look at the bibles history and it uses over the centuries and it becomes obvious.

  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    Power corrupts, but absolute power corrupts absolutely

    The WTS. is very much a business in its push to propagate its literature to the public, its been this way for over a hundred years.

    The leaders have changed hands over time but each newcomer knows what is their responsibility and that of course is print something

    to lure people toward them so that can feed the organization money, either by buying their literature or through direct contribution.

    Creating an illusion that they really are the only voice of god and are directed by his holy spirit is part of the package which maintains their strength and control

    over people, not to mention keeping people in subjection to their set of rules . Applied fear is another of their tactics to keep a constant state of support in

    coming to Headquarters, the ever impending Armageddon is constantly mention at the meetings. In an over view of the organization it becomes plain to see that its very

    much man made in its structuring. Obvious to most but not all .

  • willyloman

    "Power corrupts, but absolute power corrupts absolutely"

    Homer beat me to it, but that was my thought, too. Power is the payoff for dubs, especially those with rank.

    Power over people's lives is a strong substance; not many can imbibe without stumbling.

  • Gayle

    The book Animal Farm by George Orwell, also shows how a group can develop out of an organization,(government or religion) that is corrupt and self-serving and try to develop something better. All kinds of people can be drawn to an utopian ideal for different reasons. But eventually the controllers grow into power, wanting and needing more power, eventually becoming more harsh and intolerant than where they came from. The others, the gullible fall into doing whatever necessary for the 'cause', only to become as burdened as before or even more so.

    History shows the rise and fall of many peoples. It seems to be a cycle.

  • boyzone
    History shows the rise and fall of many peoples. It seems to be a cycle.

    Lets hope their "fall" isn't too far down the road.

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    Jehovah has the best Mind Control techniques around, it is called "the discipline and mental-regulating [Literally, putting mind in] of Jehovah", as described at Ephesians 6:4.

    Desires of the failure of others is based on folly. The results of such are well-exemplified with the infamous reversal of Haman the son of Hammedatha the Agagite, in the Bible Book of Esther.

  • isaacaustin

    He does indeed. Sadly the WT pushes him out of the picture with their own discipline and mental regulating.

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    Jehovahe does indeed have the best Mind Control techniques around, Isaac admitted. The rest is an attack on a faith I have, but which others may have lost due to issues of the heart. Love does not lash out, even when one's own offerings have not been accepted. Love leaves unsettled matters in Jehovah's hands; it has a mellowness about it.

  • isaacaustin

    not an attack, but rather a revealing. to those captive though it seems as an attack.

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