Greek heroes & the nephalim

by Simon 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Let me make sure I got this right:

    The existence of stories about Greek comic book superheros proves that hebrew comic book superheros were REAL.

    Given that, what is post-shadowed by SpiderMan, The Incredible Hulk and Doctor Strange?

  • Valis

    If you believe in biblical verse, such as Genesis and the account of the flood, none of the fallen angels survived the flood. The historic timeline also dictates that the Greco/Roman myths were created much later in history. One might draw a conclusion, if you believe the bible, is that all mythology spawns from a central core of myths/stories, presumably passed down from the descendants of Noah. I don't buy it at all, because you can't base real history on Biblical myth. Even JW scholars acknowledge distinct historical records in the bible, from prophecy, conversations with Dog, so forth.
    My three cents.

  • patio34


    You pretty much summed it up in your succinct lines! Very good! I'm gonna remember that one!

    Merry Xmas,

  • radar

    Hi Shelby

    If water imprisons Angels.
    Would I be safe when the Lord day comes, if I went Swimming in the Pool?
    Are deep sea divers less likely to fall pray to Demons?


    Like all people who have nothing, I lived on dreams

  • Cygnus

    This article completely demolishes the idea that the story of Jesus was copied from pagan myths.

  • dungbeetle

    >"(This issue has been discussed somewhere on the forum and it was VERY interesting... not enough caffeine in my system yet to go look for it tho..)"<


    I may be guilty there of derailing a thread mine own self..(My apologies)


    some more nephilim stuff--a subject very near and dear to Aguest's heart apparently!!!

    May you all have---<whack!>


  • AGuest

    Hello, dearest Dung... and may you have peace! I guess I COULD have just linked that, eh? I had forgotten all about it (must be old age catching up with me - SMILE!)

    Dearest Radar... peace to you! You asked:

    If water imprisons Angels... would I be safe when the Lord day comes, if I went Swimming in the Pool? Are deep sea divers less likely to fall pray to Demons?
    I THINK you are 'joking', but just in case you aren't... may I say that my Lord's 'day'... and his 'arrival'... is NOT the same as my Father's 'day'... the great 'day' of God Almighty... the War of Har-Mageddon? The first is when my Lord returns to 'gather' his sheep home to himself, and thereafter commences, along with such ones, a 1,000-year co-rulership (note: WE only rule with him 1,000 years. HIS rulership, however, began in 30 CE... and will last 'indefinitely'. 1,000 years is simply what is alotted to US.)

    The latter, however, the war of the great day of God Almighty, my Father, the Holy One of Israel and God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, JAH OF ARMIES, occurs at the END of such 1,000 years... when Satan is loosed and misleads Gog ('goats' abandoned and everlastingly 'cut off' from entry into the city of New Jerusalem, wherein lies the Tree of Life) and Magog (wicked SPIRITS previously reserved in 'Tartarus') to come against such city.

    It is at THAT time that 'fire comes down out of heaven'... from the person of my Father Himself... and devours such ones. Thus, 'the heavens and earth that are NOW... and are 'stored up for fire'... the wicked things of the spirit realm AND the physical realm... that which is 'celestial' and wicked, as well as that which is 'terrestrial' and wicked... are destroyed. The result? A NEW 'heavens' (a spirit realm cleansed of wicked spirits)... and a NEW 'earth' (a physical realm cleansed of wicked flesh with its blood).

    Water, dear Radar... only 'contains' spirits. Fire, however, destroys them. ("Do not fear him that can kill the body, but be in fear of Him that can kill/destroy the body... AND THE SPIRIT... in Gehenna.") So, no, neither a pool, a pond, a lake, a sea... or an ocean... no, not even abestos long-johns... will protect you... or such spirits... if you have placed yourself among Gog... or Magog.

    May you have peace!

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


  • AGuest

    Hello, dear Lauralisa! Peace to you! I am sorry to respond under separate post, but I didn't want this response to get 'lost' in the other (yes, I know... I talk 'too much'... ah, well!)

    I have been granted leave to respond:

    "...the information will go into the 'think tank' area of my brain. (It's teensy but I do what I can do...."
    I am not sure I can agree with that. Seems the 'normal' size to ME... if not a bit larger. LOL!

    Some questions for you, if I may:
    Of course, dear one.

    Could you please explain what you meant by that (the bold part)? It doesn't really coincide with the Genesis story... the account in the bible indicates that there was no rebellion until after satan got "prideful". Are you saying that the creation of an earth with a human populace was so that God could "hide" certain beings? Who got chosen, and why? Weren't the ones remaining in some chaotic spirit realm therefore left out in the cold, so to speak?
    Actually, what took place, LL, is that God's 'wife', the 'woman' Jerusalem Above, had eggs... children... that needed to be fertilized by God's spirit, in order to be 'born' as spirit creatures. But an 'enemy'... Death... longed for such ones. And so, in order to keep Death from getting such children, they were 'hidden in earthen vessels'. You have heard the phrase, "from the founding of the world?" The true rendering is "from the throwing down of the seed." It is such "seed" that Satan, after having been ousted from the spirit realm, went to "wage war with the remaining ones" of. He had started with Abel... then the Prophets and other servants of my Lord... then my Lord... and now the 'remaining' ones. Such "seed" is called a "treasure, hidden in earthen vessels."

    You are correct in that Genesis does not speak of a rebellion until Satan got prideful (well, actually, Genesis starts it with Adam's rebellion and it is Ezekiel that mentions Satan's pride...), but Genesis would not have such an account. Why? Because Genesis was written BEFORE my Lord came to the earth... as a LIGHT... and TRUTH... to bear witness TO the truth... so that the "seed" would know what took place. It was he, by means of holy spirit... that 'revealed' it. Please understand, though, that is was Death that Adam and Eve were being PROTECTED FROM... when warned not to eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good (God)... AND Bad (Death). My Father did not want His children to know Death... for Death's 'craving' was for them.

    Please know that there are MANY things that took place, LauraLisa... 'before the founding of the world', including the purpose of God for an 'administration'. It was this 'administration'... or rulership... that was jeopardized, resulting in such "seed" having to be hidden until its 'birth'. Genesis, however, starts at the point where such seed was 'thrown down'. There are things that occurred BEFORE such throwing down... which was the reason FOR such throwing down.

    Why was "exposure" necessary at all if, as you say, God can see what is IN the flesh? Or was "exposure" necessary for other beings' "benefit"?
    It was 'necessary' because there is NOTHING 'hidden' that will not be exposed. Such beings were using man (which man ALLOWED by not guarding his own heart...) to wreak havoc upon the earth. Had the flesh been allowed the continue, such beings would have been allowed to continue. Thus, the 'vessels' that they occupied had to be terminated. The wonderful thing is that such ones were not terminated indefinitely. Indeed, my Lord went to Hades to preach TO such ones, and spent 3 days/nights doing so, so that they, who had not put faith in him during that time, would have such an opportunity.

    Was this action ("exposure" via the flood) taken on God's part as a temporary stop-gap type of measure?

    It seems like things are right back where they were before the "flood". If not worse.
    I cannot say 'worse', but most certainly not better.

    Wouldn't it make more sense if God had taken action with more effective results? (No disrespect or irreverence intended... truly.)
    Well, since mankind after THAT time descended from Noahs three sons, that would mean that Noah and his sons would have had to be terminated, too, yes? Where then, would we have come from? Who would have carried the "seed" planted in Adam, and transferred to Seth? SOMEONE had to carry it "through the water", so that IT was not "contained" as well, yes? Okay, so Noah and his boys had to do it. But it was an act of LOVE that God allowed it, LL... for He did not wish ALL to die, just as He does not wish ANY to die. His HOPE was... and IS... for ALL of the "seed" to "return to Him", to that place from which we originated.

    Unfortunately, not all of the "seed" is "fertilized" by God, as their "father". SOME of it, has conceded to be "fertilized"... by Satan, the Devil, and thus HE is their "father", the one who 'begat' them with HIS spirit. Thus, we have the children of God, who manifest themselves by LOVING their brothers. And the children the Devil... who manifest THEMSELVES... by HATING their brothers... without cause. Abel... and Cain.

    It is those "seed" who are 'beget' by holy spirit, God's spirit, by means of Christ, the 'eternal father' that grants us such spirit as authorized by God, that 'enter into the kingdom'. They 'transcend' the flesh... and can see and hear in the spirit realm now... and will ultimately enter into it completely when they put off the flesh and put on the 'white robe' that is 'clean' and incorruptible... and put on the spirit. Flesh, WITHOUT its blood. For flesh AND blood, cannot enter into the kingdom. It is unclean... and corruptible.

    I hope this helps, LL, for it is what I was given to share with you. Until we speak again, may the undeserved kindess and mercy of my God and Father, JAH OF ARMIES, and the peace of His Son and Christ, my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, be upon you... if you so wish it... to time indefinite.

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


  • unclebruce


    If you type something in front of http you'll have an active link. ala *

    Apart from the obvious joke about a christian think tank being a contradiction in terms i found the site reasonable but not addressing my assertion that Paul cleverly wove his Christ myth to suit his audience. Off course he didn't plaugerize the Hindu or Mithran stories wholesale. I for one have never claimed that and Paul wouldn't have been too bright if he'd been as overt as that.

    cheers, unclebruce.


    Thanks for writing me gumby,

    I'll reply to you once I open my mail. I've posted in detail about ancient myth a number of tiimes before with full references. I only do email rarely, i'll soon be off air and my books are out of reach right now.

    cheers, unclebruce.


    Nathan: hum this to the spiderman tune three times and say "my supermans better than your superman"

    Arafat Yasar Arafat,
    He's a radio active cat,
    No surprise, he eats flies,
    He's got radio active eyes,
    Lookout, here comes the arafat.

    Yasar, a palestinian myth in the making. The more men change the more they stay the same. unclebruce

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