Purpose of life

by ItsJustMe 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • ItsJustMe

    The ageold question that I'm sure we have all given some degree of thought to...what is the purpose of life? Anyone have a theory/opinion they would like to share?

    My personal opinion on this is not solid enough yet to be considered a belief. Right now I am leaning towards the purpose of life being to love. But I think that's oversimplistic.


  • ballistic

    I think being brought up a witness actually made me dwell on the purpose of life to such an extent, I wasn't able to enjoy it. Kids shouldn't be forced to contemplate these issues so early in their lives. While it is important, I think this is something which can often be depressing by it's nature.
    Now I am no longer a witness, I am starting to enjoy life for what it is, and what it is, is what you make of it.

  • metatron

    The Dalai Lama was asked what the purpose of life was.

    He said "Happiness"

    That's it in a nutshell. If anyone tells you different,
    ask them "So, what do you think is more important than
    happiness? - something else together with being unhappy?"


  • belbab

    My age long purpose in life question has always been, What's it all for?. So far the answer has been another question, Does it have to have a purpose? May be life just is.

    If you are into reading books, you may want to find the book, Saviours of God by Nikos Kazaantzakis, the author of The Last Temptation of Christ and Zorba the Greek. His answer to the question is that the purpose of life is to Save God , to turn inert matter into to spirit, to preserve life itself. Or if you choose, choose the opposite, destroy life, or come to the realization That Even This One Does Not Exist . Take your pick.

  • Nowfree

    As a JW, you spent so much of your time and energy looking forward to the new system and the wonderful life that is to come. At the same time trashing all that this world offers, that you forget to enjoy the simple things of life. Like celebrating your children's birthdays, Christmas together as a family - both of which are forbidden by the Watchtower org.

    I think the main aim in life is happiness and contentment, all the time trying your best to live peacably with those around you.

    What else could you possibly want?

    Oh yes sorry i forget - hours and hours of mental torture sitting at a kingdom hall being told you aren't spending enough time in the ministry, answering up enough at meetings, or doing enough personal/family study with your children.

    Hmm the sarcasm is coming in again!!

    Enjoy xmas everybody!!


  • FreePeace

    Here is my 2 part definition of the meaning of life as discussed in my book, "The Game Rules for Life" ( http://www.empowerthespirit.com/gamerule):

    1. Uncover/Discover the Things Hidden In and Through Creation; and Find Personal Enjoyment and Fulfillment in the Process.

    2. Leave the Woodpile a Little Higher Than You Found It.

    Of course, there is much more to it, but these are the basics. You may want to read "Man's Search for Meaning" by Viktor Frankl. In that book, he discusses "Logotherapy," which is a meaning-based psychotherapy. It makes a lot of sense.

    "The World is my country, and to do good, my religion." --Thomas Paine
    TruthQuest: http://beam.to/truthquest
    Who Am I? -How to Reinvent Yourself After Leaving the WTS

  • seven006


    I have to go with the Dalai Lama on this one. One of the reoccurring themes of most religions is to try and cloud very simple concepts by throwing a bunch of rules and regulations explained by myths and contradicting authority figures to mask a very simple concept.

    I contemplate the question of why do men have nipples more than what is the purpose of life. Every time I see my sons and give them a hug and we sit around laughing at each other the meaning of life keeps showing it self. Every time I take a shower and look in the mirror the nipple question comes to mind. I'm still trying to figure that one out.


  • Mum

    I agree that happiness is a key purpose of life. I drew the same conclusion after leaving the WT and much personal examination and struggling.

    Beyond that, the purpose is what you make it. In the western countries where we have a greater range of choice as to how to live, we can live purposeful lives or empty, meaningless lives.

    Seize the day, and put the least possible trust in tomorrow. - Horace

    I have learned to live each day as it comes and not to borrow trouble by dreading tomorrow. - Dorothy Dix

  • gumby

    How did we get here?
    Why are we here?
    If someone put us here, he had a reason
    What is the reason?
    I personally need to know to be happy/content
    There are too many questions unanswered for me to just live for today and love one another......the questions remain...........

  • Seeker

    I personally have never understood this need to find meaning where maybe none exists. What is the purpose of life? Who says it has a purpose? Maybe there is no purpose, and the existentialists are correct.

    Seriously, why do we need a purpose? What difference will it make? Live your life, enjoy it, treat others well, and that's all we need.

    I have no purpose in my life, see no need for one, don't think one exists for anyone else in reality, and couldn't care less. I still enjoy my life tremendously, and what more do I need?

    Please understand, this is only my opinion, and I'm not trying to undercut what others have said. I genuinely don't understand why others feel a need for a purpose to life. But if it makes you happy to think you have one, more power to you. I'll respect that.

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