From the other side ... according the WT:
YHWH just needed to get rid of relatively small number of evildoers... he could just kill them instantly .... does it make sense for this simple reason to cause Flood and:
- kill billions of innocent animals
- destroy the previous perfect ecosystem (canape of watter on the sky... equal humidity and temperature....)
- change living conditions on Earth - after flood animals became (temporarily) predators, people started eating meat and killing animals (temporarily)....
- according to (older) WT - before flood all continents were conected... flood tore them apart ... YHWH will have to connect them back in New system
- high mountains rose and thus changed the landscape totally... big parts of Earth will never be able to be used for living...
- Due to Himalayas rising (result of flood according the WT) - earths wind circulation has changed... creating deserts in Africa ... causing hunger and suffering of millions... changing weather unfavourably in Asia
- etc....
Well Oompa, if you were an allmighty God with absolute power and and wisdom.... what way of getting rid of a bunch of evildoers would you choose????