Missed meeting = don't know which blood components we can't have! AAAAH!

by sd-7 10 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • sd-7

    Actually, my mom just said something like that to me, because I missed last week's meeting. In my own account of our conversation, here's what happened:

    "I had an interesting discussion with Mom about the blood issue. I mentioned to her that plasma, one of the forbidden primary components of blood, is 90% water. "But the rest is blood," Mom said, after being very quiet for a few moments. "The rest is blood." This statement is a sad reflection of how ignorant the average Witness is about blood. And it's troubling because her life is involved here--7,000,000 lives are involved. But we don't even understand the decisions we are making. I'd like to research this matter. Mom's clearly absurd response begs the obvious question, how could plasam, one of the four primary components of blood, be 90% water and 10% blood? Our own literature says it makes up 55% of blood. That being said, we could safely say that most of our blood is actually water. And as we break that down further, we start to realize that the other components aren't really blood, either--they're just parts of what blood is made of. Of course, without proper, independent research, we cannot verify this. Given the seriousness of this matter, it would be poor judgment to leave this subject in the hands of the Governing Body--they can't even explain the Scriptures correctly, so how dare they venture into the realm of medicine? Knowledge is power, and we need to be "presumptuous" and acquire more knowledge than the "slave class" will give us."

    Of course, my candor about my mother's statement being "absurd" is in no way meant as an attack on her person. She just isn't informed. And in fact, neither am I, for that matter. My reasoning here is based purely on statements made in Keep Yourselves in God's Love, in the appendix. Now that I can think for myself, I understand a lot more clearly why our stand on blood is illogical. To receive an IV with water is to receive 90% of plasma--90% of what is forbidden! So how can the other 10% of plasma be classed as a serious sin against God warranting expulsion, just because you happen to take the water + the proteins and etc.? It sounds more like a case of Pharisaic reasoning.

    It reminds me of a Watchtower study article from sometime ago, where the Society speaks ill of the Pharisees' concocting rules on exactly what constituted 'work' on the Sabbath. Remember that violating the Sabbath carried the death penalty under the Law. So the Society, exercising DOUBLETHINK once again, can simultaneously condemn the Pharisees for building a fence around the Law while deciding for millions of people what is 'still blood' or 'life-sustaining' and what is not. Water is surely life-sustaining, so why not just forbid the IV, too? It's 90% of plasma! Oh, right, people might think we were nuts or in some kind of a cult if we did something like that...

    So then, I suppose were Jesus in a local Kingdom Hall, or at the Hospital Liaison Committee, standing over a dying patient, he would be asked, "Teacher, is it lawful to use blood components to save a life?" I wonder what he would place greater value on. As the one who created life, who understands the science of blood and its medical uses, what would he say? I'm inclined to believe he would allow some leniency in this regard and be grieved that people would prefer to send even children to their deaths rather than violate their own personal interpretation of scripture.

    I may be wrong. But one thing I found, in little echoes in my mind, years before I started questioning everything, was that the Jesus in the New Testament--and in fact Christianity itself--seemed quite different from the way Jehovah's Witnesses operate. I always ignored those little thoughts. Now I don't have to anymore.

    This is my second topic so far, and I know it probably isn't saying anything new. I just thought I might share my thoughts with you all. I have been pleased with the kindness and welcome I have thus far received on the message boards. Thank you. I will do my best to respect the thoughts and feelings of others here. Take care.

    Small Along the Watchtower,


  • sd-7

    Oops. I made an error here--misspelled "plasma" once. It's not "plasam"...although I'm sure, whatever "plasam" is, the GB probably forbids that component, too.

  • insearchoftruth

    Thanks, www.ajwrb.org has some great blood information on fractions, also jwfacts.

    Welcome to the board sd-7.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    In 2009 you can have everything but not together or in order.......on Nisan 14 during the Memorial you can have your own blood during that week only.

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    The blood issue is one of the main reasons I felt that I could no longer support the witnesses. They barely had a leg to stand on when they refused all blood. It was still just an interpretation.

    When they decided they would split up blood and take parts of it and forbid others, the house of cards fell. It takes donated blood to get those parts, something they forbid.

    Some things like clotting factor take thousands of donations to make one infusion. Yet, this is accepted by the witnesses.

    I like your analogy of Jesus and how he might answer the question of blood transfusion.

  • yknot

    The meeting was mostly redirected to the 11/06 KM worksheet (our Elders passed out new copies asking that all be signed and dated so that no one can argue that the infomation was 'outdated').

    References to 1990, WT 6/15-04, Awake 8-06......

    The most disgusting comments were about being able to convince others this was the individual JWs conscience and not just the WTS's. Which of course is bulls*t because everyone of those bobbing their heads would equally be bobbing and accepting blood therapies unrestricted should the WTS rescind the policy....... I mean come-on how many JWs do you know who say vaccines cause demon possession or organ transplants are canabalistic?

  • Jadeen

    Ok, I got out my medical terminology book and I'll paraphrase what it says.

    Blood is "fluid tissue" in the body, composed of 55% liquid plasma and 45% formed elements.

    Plasma, which is 90% water, contains nutients, hormones, and waste products. Fibrinogen and prothrombin are the clotting proteins and serum is plasma fluid. The formed elements of the blood include erythrocytes (red blood cells), leukocytes (white blood cells), and thrombocytes (platelets).

    Red blood cells transport oxygen to tissues. Hemoglobin, the iron-containing pigment in blood cells, is what actually transports the oxygen.

    White blood cells include neutrophils, which fight against pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Basophils are responsible for allergy symptoms. Eosinophils destroy parasitic organisms and can cause allergic reactions. Lymphocytes identify foreign materials and produce antibodies that target them. Monocytes provide immunoliogical defenses against infectious organisms.

    Platelets become activated and sticky when a blood vessel is damaged. This causes them to clump together and form clots to stop bleeding.

    I have to go take a test now, but if anyone's interested, I can scan those pages and copy them.

  • passwordprotected

    Another great post from SD-7. Keep 'em coming.

  • steve2

    SD-7 you write well and your thoughtfulness comes through. BTW, with my kind of luck, I always thought that the blood component I may have actually needed was the component the watchtower said I couldn't have.

  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason

    In the Bible, "blood" = "death".

    In a hospital, "blood" = "life".

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