The Final Curtain.....

by cognizant dissident 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    All the world's a stage,
    And all the men and women merely players:
    They have their exits and their entrances;
    And one man in his time plays many parts,

    When I first came to JWD, I had been watching the JW play for 40 years already. I knew every angle, every scene change, every player and every line. I knew them from the stage and from the audience.

    Still, I was only seeing the world from one perspective, the JW perspective. When I was in my comfortable seat, watching, I felt squeezed in a corner box until I couldn't breathe or move. When I was on stage I felt constrained by my role.

    I came to JWD to get a broader perspective, to help me see the bigger picture. Now, I think I know the "ex-JW" play from every angle as well.

    I know my posts have rubbed a few people the wrong way. That was never my intention. If I was trying to accomplish anything with my arguments it was just to shine the spotlight on the stage from a different angle. Sometimes I even argued against people and positions I actually agreed with just for the sake of balancing the extremes somewhat. I tend to play devil's advocate in real life too, which doesn't endear me to many (JW's especially!)

    I hate good-byes, good-bye threads and "my favorite poster" threads, but I've learned so much from some posters here that I'm going to play my own devil's advocate and write one anyway. Consider it an appreciation thread.

    Simon and Angharad: By providing this forum you've helped innumerable people on their way out of the JW's just to make a little sense of it all. You've sacrificed a lot of time and personal privacy to do it. Without the producers, the play would never go on. So...thanks.

    Belbab and Mrs. Belbab: You invited me to your home and for Christmas dinner when I thought I didn't have a friend or family member left in this world. I know you've done the same for others too. What warm and hospitable people you are.

    Hillary Steppe: On the slim chance you're lurking, you were, hands down, the most intelligent and funny poster on this board. To the king of wit and wisdom, I say: I'm honored to call you friend, both on and off the forum. As for who pays the ferryman? We all do.

    Ilbh: Always gentle, always kind, you are a true gentleman and true friend in every sense of the word.

    There are so many other's I owe a debt of knowledge to. Some are still here: Lady Lee, Blondie, Leiolaia, Narkissos. Some have made their exits: Kid-A, Almost Atheist, James Thomas.

    For all the others who ever pm'd me to say thanks or just to chat, I've learned something from you all and it wasn't always what I expected. So, thanks for showing me the view from your seats. Time for me to find another show...

    Cog (exits, stage right..)

  • crapola

    Bye, Cog I'll miss you.

  • llbh

    Dear cog, i have too have enjoyed your posts, both the provocative and tongue in cheek, you were never dull.

    Plus a couple of other clips for you to enjoy from Peter Cook and Dudley Moore

    This is the final scene from Life Of Brian, an apposite clip for an an xjw.

    Voltaire once said that " mankind is born free, yet is everywhere in chains". May the freedom you have bring you comfort and solace.

    Wishing you well as life unfolds for you.

    Warmest regards


  • coffee_black

    You will be missed.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    May your next performance, or if you choose, your next attendance as an observer, be momentous!

    This show will go on - missing one of it's own.



  • bluecanary

    Goodbye Cog.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Thank you for spending some time with us.



  • BizzyBee

    So long, Cog. Live long and prosper.

  • beksbks

    Bye Cog! I enjoyed the hell out of you when I wasn't irritated with you

  • Snoozy

    I don't think we have met but I have been around.. Lurking, reading, sometimes posting, but I've been around.

    I just want to say that sometimes we feel the need to leave but sometimes things happen in our lives that change us and you may feel the need to return here. If you do please feel free to..whether it is a month or years (If were are still here) please stop by and share how your life is going.

    I left for a few years but I had the need to come back after a while. I don't visit as much as I used to but I still keep in touch. Someday I may leave again but never say never...even if just for an update.

    There is a strange peace that comes over you after leaving for a while tho..especially if you no longer have any JW dealings.

    And I like and approve of your poster appreciation list..


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