Read this phrase today. Loved it, and applies to the JW's, but many of us as well. I've tried to say the same thing in the past, but never have been able to sum it up so well. Whether it's our new religion, athiesm, left or right politics, conspiracy theories, etc., I've noticed that many of us on here are still just as dogmatic as if we were JW's. Including, occasionally, me. You'd think after our experiences in the JW's we'd have learned this lesson. It's one I struggle with.
There are two ways to slide easily through life; to believe everything or to doubt everything. Both ways save us from thinking.
by avishai 9 Replies latest jw friends
- There are two ways to slide easily through life; to believe everything or to doubt everything. Both ways save us from thinking.
- Alfred Korzybski
I don't think anyone doubts everything. And even if they did, why would that be a bad thing?
Doubting something untill you have been given proof is a part of a normal functioning mind.
On the one hand, your quote is something of a truism. But just as bad as those two extremes, in terms of "saving us from thinking", is the brain dead, lazy ass idea that "the truth is found in the middle".
Whether it's our new religion, athiesm, left or right politics, conspiracy theories, etc., I've noticed that many of us on here are still just as dogmatic as if we were JW's.
We all have our comfort zones, and we resist forcefully when they are threatened or challenged.
I, too, have to struggle.
"Comfort zones" - that's a good way of putting it, snowbird.
Another truism that relates to this: A man convinced against his will, is of the same opinion still.
I don't see "believing everything" or "doubting everything" per se as either easy (try it sometime) or antagonistic to thinking.
But perhaps in Korzybski's context the focus is more on the nature (theoretical, ideological, vs. concrete) of the "everything" (cf. "the map is not the territory")?
That's kinda what I'm thinking.
I have thought a lot during my 57 years on the pleasure planet.
I am finally getting the message that to not think is nirvan, bliss, peace.
Meditation can stop you from thinking.
People believe what they want to belive. We are all prejudiced.
The Hindus say reason is the greatest lawyer known to man. He can argue any postion.
And leads mankind to great confusion.
Try to know yourself and you may know the truth.
Even thats an ambiguous statement. Did I say if you know yourself you will know the truth?
Of If you know yourself there is the posibility to know the truth.
The Hindus say reason is the greatest lawyer known to man. He can argue any postion.
And leads mankind to great confusion.Se non è vero, è bene trovato.