Dearest EMan... may you have peace!
I still attend the "Memorial" annually, and as one who "partook" on the inside as well, I can say that they don't routinely pass by DF'd people... at least not where I live... and at least not me. They pass it right along, even to me... and EVERYONE turns to look (as a continuation of the 'whispered' conversations they had when I walked in the door...), and then you can kinda hear a slow 'rumble' as they discuss it under their breath, while rolling their eyes. Truth is, though, they don't have the 'courage' to attempt to stop me. The elders always whisper "she's here... she's here", and they seat me in a row by myself, only seating others with me when there are no other seats left (they make sure to leave 2 or 3 seats between, too). Then they make sure that those they seat in my row know 'who' I am. No, not one who professes to be anointed with holy spirit, but 'an apostate' due to such profession.
Yes, I have seen them tell them, and the reaction of those seated. Last year, a poor young 'sister' with a baby didn't have a Bible, and her 'wonderful' husband was so engrossed in HIS that he didn't share... or take the baby... or anything. So, I offered to share mine with her... and she accepted... until they pulled the husband from the row, took him out, talked to him, and he came back and talked to her. Let's say she no longer needed my Bible (or to even look in my direction) and he was quite glad to share his. Ah, well...
One family close to me, though, who partake, where barred from entering the hall last year. They were told that they weren't welcome and would not be allowed in. The 'elders' then closed... and locked... the doors (isn't locking doors to a public hall filled with people ILLEGAL?!)
I will attend again this year, as I always do, NOT because I believe their celebration 'ritual' is necessary or sanctioned by God, but rather, because for decades now, those poor people have been precluded from doing just what my Lord invited them to do.
John 4:48-56
I feel personally responsible in that if I don't at least set an example, NO ONE will tell those poor people that "unless [they] eat the flesh of the Son and drink his blood... [they] have NO life within themselves."
Romans 10:14, 15
I do not say that to say that I am anything 'special' in my example, but rather, that I feel RESPONSIBLE in that I know what eating and drinking can mean for them... for ANYONE who puts faith in it. It can mean life. And if I know this, but don't tell them... or SHOW them... then I believe I bear some responsibility for their not getting it... and possibly not getting life, if that ends up being the case (it may not be, but...). I mean, as a professed member of the Household of God and the Body of Christ, it IS my responsibility... no matter what they are taught by false prophets and imposters... to set the right example. And so... I go. Once a year, I 'enter among them' and do what my Lord has commanded ME to do... whether they 'hear'... or 'refrain'.
(Yeah, I know... I got 'wordy'... but you all 'know' me, right? SMILE!)
An-y-way... peace to you... and may the new year bring you great blessings... you and your entire household.
Your servant and a slave of Christ,