A long, long, time ago, when, I waz in Dubland,I asked a question to a coulpe of fellow Dubs. The "question" got me a lot of strange looks & a little "shunning" to boot. It waz later spread around I waz boasting of having, "A question no one can answer"which of course, waz not true.
My Question: If every decision one makes iz based on HEREDITY & ENVIRONMENT,things we originaly have no choice over, do we really have a choice or FREE WILL?
It seems obvious that all decisions we make are based on what haz already happened,hence where iz the CHOICE? We can only draw from a reservoir that iz already there, building on the PAST, hence, we are the same az computers.
I am well aware that this iz nothing new & iz a Fatalist view that others have encorporated in their beliefs, such az the Epicureans & others, but it just keeps coming back to me.
Any thoughts?