I may be behind times, but I have not seen this issue come up. I have had some contact with JWs inside the organization who said that the Society is planning to move its headquarters from Brooklyn, NY to Canada, lock, stock, and barrel. Is this an urban legend, a JW pulling my leg, or is it factual? Is there any credible information to support the claim? Thanks in advance for your help.
Watchtower Moving its Headquarters from USA?
by Amazing 21 Replies latest jw friends
Gaddamm! I hope not! Keep that crap down there, where it started. Are things getting too hot for them, maybe?
Gaddamm! I hope not! Keep that crap down there, where it started.
No! You take them!
Pretty please?
Maybe he's thinking about how all the magazines for Norht America are going to be printed from Canada. That's all I've heard.
I guess a lot of the donut shops in Brooklyn will go out of business as a result.
What I've heard is that magazines will be printed in Canada and the paperback books will be done at Wallkill.
What do they need Brooklyn for?
'You take them!
Pretty please? '
You couldn't pay us enough. We commies, i mean canucks have our principles, yannow.
I once dated a communist. Sexy!
Though they can always sell all the headquarters property in the US, I highly doubt it.
Walkill and Patterson are too often mentioned in their correspondence to the congregations.
Unless the US govenment comes down on them, they will stay in the U.S.
We don't want those assholes up here.
They should be in the deep south by a swamp.