Imperfection is irrelevant. Who has the right to rule?

by bluecanary 117 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • bluecanary

    Thank you very much for your thoughtful replies reniaa. I respect that you have chosen a religion that fits the criteria you believe is important. I am still curious how people are supposed to have the same criteria when the same scripture can give two people opposite yet firm convictions. I am also curious how one would choose between two religions that meet that same set of criteria.

    Another question: In the past when God's chosen leader acted without his blessing, God corrected the individual/group in an obvious and miraculous way. Why does it appear, then, that when the GB is "adjusted" it comes from external sources, such as the 1914 generation dying off, or races integrating nationwide. If God was making the refinements, wouldn't it clearly come from him, rather than be a reaction to circumstances in the world?

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    I think that Blue has just given herself the basis for another Topic (a.k.a.thread). I'll look forward to seeing the comments that THAT solicits.

  • AllTimeJeff

    Spike, at least bluecanary starts her own threads instead of apparant attempts at hijacking others...

  • bluecanary

    Spike, my question is relevant to the question of whether people in general should be accept the GB's authority. If you have a response I would be interested in hearing what you think.

  • isaacaustin

    I like your point blucanary. Obviously all the changes in the WT over the years (and there are enough to make your head spin) are the result of lawsuits, time, political pressure. If this was truly God's org I would expect these changes to come from God himself, and then perhaps confirmation of its propriety coming from an outside source.

  • PSacramento

    Taking into account OT and NT scripture, one can easily see that the vast majority, if not all, of the prophets, apostles and disciples were apostates by the WT's view of the term.

    Maybe there is a lesson there...

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    I'll wait for the new Topic. This one's done for me.

  • bluecanary

    Spike, I won't be starting a new thread. I certainly can't force anyone to reply to questions, but I will say that I'm disappointed that you no longer wish to engage in this discussion. I've done my best to make sure this thread is a place where all parties can have a civil discussion. Your presence on it will be missed.

  • reniaa

    hi bluecanary

    It's obvious atm we have the bible and holy spirit as guidance and yes maybe time as well, which will show the poor fruitage of a wrong choice. But the big doctrinal stuff doesn't change. Which is important to me.

    Maybe what is more important than what we change, is what we don't change especially under pressure. If something becomes accepted world-wide but is condemned biblically but a religion clearly goes with world opinion maybe that is more relevant.

    The divide between bible guidance and God's will and current man's opinion and desires is getting wider and unbrigeable IMO.

    I did think ofh an example of change in the bible not bought about by God and that was moses giving authority to leaders among the tribes to judge in his place. is father-in-law gave him that advice and God backed it up afterwards.


  • PSacramento


    You asked how two people can get two different views ( firm convictions actually) from the same passage.

    The answer is not a simple one.

    On the surface one can just say that one, or even both, are simply wrong, the problem is that these things tend to happen when an interpretation of a passage is what is called into question and not something that is "plainly stated".

    As such one, typically needs to take into contect the whole passage, somethimes the whole chapter and sometimes the whole book/letter or even the writers wirting style and such.

    Even then though, people tend to view what they are researching with preconceived views and ideas that will "lead" them to finding that what they originally thought was "the truth" anyways, even if they are wrong.

    What can one do?

    Research and more research with a truly open mind, a mind looking for truth and not confirmation of an established belief, is a good place to start.


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