So are we basing this "Family Worship Evening" on what one CO has said ?
Knowing CO's from past expereince, here in Britain, most of them seem to make up their own rules. They get direction from Bethel on what to tells congregations, but depending on the CO some "embellish" and add their own little piece. Then of course the CO being believed to be the Governing Body's representative all the JWs run round doing as he says.
Calling it "Family Worship Evening" is no different from what I knew it as the "Family Study Evening" where we chose a book or magazine article to study. As for the 4 hours thing, well I believe that is a load of rubbish. It was an effort, and I speak for all JW families I knew, to get a family to do one hour never mind four.
They take away a one hour meeting and want to replace it with fours hours of study?? .
As for the Elders visiting everyone, aren't they supposed to do that anyway? Does that include those with no family?
In the years (30) that I was a JW and had my family, we probably got visited about 6-7 times. I recall one sister saying she had been in the congregation 22 years and never had an Elder over the doorstep.
I can see this as being one of those "Yes we must do that." and ending in 2-3 months.