What happens when you don't go to meetings
by gubberningbody 22 Replies latest jw friends
...and some people pay good money for plastic surgery to FIX problems...
Many Americans have seen the series of SIX FLAGS Amusement Park commercials. If you haven't here's one of them:
Anyway, I figure we can replace the opening scene with a shot of the Kingdom Hall and show someone's arm fall off the armrest as he dozes during a talk, then say NO FLAGS. After that, the regular Six Flags scene can follow.
Oops, it looks like Six Flags already did a commercial of what going to the Kingdom Hall is like:
Same thing that happens when you do go to a meeting..........NOTHING
What happens when you don't go to meetings
something wonderful....
life beyond a cult
you prob eat more....drink more...sleep more....excersise more....post here more!!!......read the sunday paper more......have fun more.......oompa
and you somehow miss out on the holy spirit that is hovering over and in the hall?!??!???......that is why they keep saying i need to be there!!!.....it will somehow make me unlearn what i know now???............
in my case it was, "we didn't really want to be seen around you in public because we can't be seen with non regular meeting goers. so we won't bother to call you and see if you want to hang out on the weekends or talk about why you aren't here."
When I don't go to boasting sessions, I don't waste two or three hours listening to the same boring talks that I have heard repeatedly (and that have failed to come to pass). I also don't go out in field circus--meaning I don't get hounded to take calls that something tells me are going to be extremely bad luck if I go (or meet men spitting blood into mayonnaise jars). I also miss out on getting into an accident, getting stung by a bee, bitten by a dog, threatened with a gun or can of pepper spray, and falling down someone's poorly maintained steps. I miss the tuberculosis and AIDS that can be picked up at the door--and then spread to everyone in the Kingdumb Hell.
That young man in the first picture looks like he has a very sore nose.
It seems that he wants to get attention so much he is willing to endure lots of pain to get it. There must be much less painful ways to "stand out from the crowd." Perhaps an outstanding education and contribution to the betterment of mankind.....???