I really want my wife to see that we have spent our wholes lives in a lie, a lie promoted by mind controlling cult, but I have a problem and this is it.......
My wife was extremely close to her Grandmother, she lived with her in her teens and loved her to bits. When her Grandmother died, 5 years ago, my wife was devestated, the only thing that allowed her to combat the grief was the hope of the ressurection, being able to see her Grandmother again in the New System.
It is in my opinion, this hope that keeps her going in the "Truth". If the she leaves the truth I am sure, that like me she will not fall back on any other religion, she will probably become more humanist and agnostic if not Atheist.
This realisation will mean that she will never see her Grandmother again. She will, I believe ,go through the grieving process again. A part of me doesn't want to go through this (see I am a bloke, and can't cope with girly tears).
Did anyone after leaving the bOrg grieve retrospectively for lost relatives and friends. If so, how did you deal with it. How can I help my wife through this when it does inevitably happen?
Please don't use this to try and tell that there is life after death because logic tells me there isn't and I don't have the capacity for faith anymore.