DNCall Unmasked - Part 4 of 5

by DNCall 48 Replies latest jw friends


    All right!!..Some good threads!

    Waiting for part #5..


  • BabaYaga
    It became more evident that, in the first century, it was the power of the holy spirit acting on individuals that made possible the spread of the good news about Jesus, not some central authority in Jerusalem.


  • Quandry

    I used to love reading the "life stories" in the Awake magazine. Obviously yours won't be published there any time soon, but it is well written, and very interesting. Thanks for sharing.

    I can empathize with your wife. I too was very social. My hubbie was an elder for twenty years and we had book study at our house, hospitality for the visiting speakers, visitors for international conventions, and book study get-togethers. Seems there were always friends to be with, and we were always invited to eveything going on. It has been hard to go from being around hundreds of people to none.

    On the up side, we also never got to spend much time together as he was always on committee meetings, organizing new congregations, etc . Now, we are the only friends we have, so we do stuff together, and enjoy ourselves. We are actually not df'd, but at 58 (me) and 60(hubbie) we are considered "dangerous."

    You just never know where life will take you! If you come through Texas, ya'll come and visit. I'd love to meet you both.

    Am eagerly looking forward to your next installment.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Thanks so far.

  • passwordprotected

    Frank, great to finally get to hear your story. I know you via Besty (I ordered that CD from Amazon a while back), I've really enjoyed reading your story.

  • DNCall

    pwp: Please PM me with your address. I still owe you for the CD!

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    Looking forward to part 5 and a bttt

  • apostate from way back when
    apostate from way back when

    Yay Frank! I'm so glad you are writing this. All I can say is their loss is our gain. David and I have enjoyed so much spending time with you and Barb on our little trips and get togethers. This would not have been possible without leaving the JW's, and I'm so grateful. I also enjoy staying close to Peter and Sara. You and Barb are fantastic people, fun, caring, considerate.....we like the same movies Anyway, anyone who would shun you that you've known all of these years is basically one mixed up person(people) and you certainly can't live your life for them.

    You have the rest of your life, which you will be free in, and I have my sister back who is my best friend and I love you both very much.



  • flipper

    DN CALL- Great story you are sharing. Thanks for sharing a part of you and your life with us . It's very enlightening and educational . I empathize with what your wife was feeling as I too lost some people I considered " friends " - allegedly. Once we step away from the organization we really see how conditional those perceived friendships were . Once outside the witness cult we really meet very kind, compassionate people who treat us like human beings. Now THERE'S a concept worth pursuing ! LOL! I hope you folks are being able to find more happiness in life now after exiting the cult. I eagerly look forward to part 5 . Take care, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • no more kool aid
    no more kool aid

    Wow what a great story, so unique but so like all of ours. I can't wait for your next post and thanks for sharing so much.

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