Josephus makes allusion to the fact that sacrifices to rome and caesar were made in the temple. I have tried looking this up but so far no real info on it at all. Does anyone out there possess any? Please to inform this ignorant old person.
sacrifices to rome and caesar
by ssn587 4 Replies latest watchtower bible
Wars of the Jews, II,xvii,2f / 409ff:
And at this time it was that some of those that principally excited the people to go to war made an assault upon a certain fortress called Masada. They took it by treachery, and slew the Romans that were there, and put others of their own party to keep it. At the same time Eleazar, the son of Ananias the high priest, a very bold youth, who was at that time governor of the temple, persuaded those that officiated in the Divine service to receive no gift or sacrifice for any foreigner. And this was the true beginning of our war with the Romans; for they rejected the sacrifice of Caesar on this account; and when many of the high priests and principal men besought them not to omit the sacrifice, which it was customary for them to offer for their princes, they would not be prevailed upon. These relied much upon their multitude, for the most flourishing part of the innovators assisted them; but they had the chief regard to Eleazar, the governor of the temple.
Hereupon the men of power got together, and conferred with the high priests, as did also the principal of the Pharisees; and thinking all was at stake, and that their calamities were becoming incurable, took counsel what was to be done. Accordingly, they determined to try what they could do with the seditious by words, and assembled the people before the brazen gate, which was that gate of the inner temple [court of the priests] which looked toward the sun-rising. And, in the first place, they showed the great indignation they had at this attempt for a revolt, and for their bringing so great a war upon their country; after which they confuted their pretense as unjustifiable, and told them that their forefathers had adorned their temple in great part with donations bestowed on them by foreigners, and had always received what had been presented to them from foreign nations; and that they had been so far from rejecting any person's sacrifice (which would be the highest instance of impiety,) that they had themselves placed those donation about the temple which were still visible, and had remained there so long a time; that they did now irritate the Romans to take arms against them, and invited them to make war upon them, and brought up novel rules of a strange Divine worship, and determined to run the hazard of having their city condemned for impiety, while they would not allow any foreigner, but Jews only, either to sacrifice or to worship therein. And if such a law should be introduced in the case of a single private person only, he would have indignation at it, as an instance of inhumanity determined against him; while they have no regard to the Romans or to Caesar, and forbid even their oblations to be received also; that however they cannot but fear, lest, by thus rejecting their sacrifices, they shall not be allowed to offer their own; and that this city will lose its principality, unless they grow wiser quickly, and restore the sacrifices as formerly, and indeed amend the injury [they have offered foreigners] before the report of it comes to the ears of those that have been injured.
In 11th century crusaders conquered Jerusalem. The names of the Temple Mount monuments changed; El-Aksa became the Temple of Solomon and the Dome of the Rock became 'Our Lord's Temple'.
The French Templars settled in the southern section of the Temple Mount and the core of their activity was in the El-Aksa Mosque, (the Temple of Solomon) and in the underground chambers called Solomon's Stables.
They found overlooked treasures. Due to lack of archeological knowledge and understanding, they believed the remains were from the Jewish temple dating back to the days of Jesus.
Since the Temple was NOT on the site of the Dome of the Rock, the remnants found by the Templars were those of the Roman Temple.
On the Temple mount is a site called "El-Kas" which means 'the goblet'.
The Dome of the Rock was believed to be the Temple of Ticha ( also spelled Tyche, Tiche) whose ritual involved using wine goblets for divination.
(The image of Tyche was very similar to our Lady Justice as it was sometimes depicted as veiled or blind. It seems to imply that there is no justice...only fate. And thus, divination is used to find one's fate.)
The Jewish temple was located underground in the "El Kas" area and not on the Dome of the Rock. There is a wall closing off the site today. Adriano covered the remnants of the Jewish Temple on elevated surface and built the Temple to Jupiter which became the El-Aksa mosque.
Results of infrared test reveal that under the Dome of the Rock there is a pentagonal structure foundation and the construction resembles that of pagan temples built in Amman, jordan.
The Dome of the Rock may be the site of the Ashtoret stage.
The First Temple period there was a stage for the Sidonian Ashtoret from the days of King Solomon up to the reign of King Jessaiahu.
During the period of the Second Temple, adjacent to the temple, next to the fortress of Atonia, there was a site called Starton, which meant 'slave of Ashtoret'.
The planet representing Ashtoret is Venus and the symbol of Ashtoret is an pentagon and an octagon.
Ssn...start with the gods worshipped during that time and you will be on the trail of finding your answers.
Pergamos contained a temple to Octavius Caesar where Ceasar-worship flourished.
The major shrine at Pergamum was that of Asclepius.
The offering of a piglet was required before entering the Greater Incubation Chamber.
The rod of Asclepius, a snake-entwined staff, remains a symbol of medicine today, although sometimes the caduceus, or staff with two snakes, is mistakenly used instead.
In honor of Asclepius, snakes were often used in healing rituals and non-venomous snakes were allowed to crawl on the floor in dormitories where the sick and injured slept. From about 300 BC onwards, the cult of Asclepius grew very popular and pilgrims flocked to his healing temples (Asclepieia) to be cured of their ills
Caesar's Account. The earliest records of the Druids date back to the 200s B . C . Various ancient Greek and Roman writers described the beliefs and practices of the Celtic priests, and Welsh and Gaelic poetry also provided some details. However, more complete information about the Druids comes from the writings of Julius Caesar (ca. 100-44 B . C .), the Roman general and statesman.
In his book The Gallic Wars, Caesar explained that there were two leading classes in Celtic society: the knights or warriors and the Druids. According to Caesar, the Druids did not have to perform manual labor, serve in the military, or pay taxes. Instead, the members of this learned class devoted their lives to leading religious worship and taking charge of human sacrifices.
Caesar reported that the Druids were highly respected and called on for advice and instruction. They also served as judges for most public and private disputes, from major and minor crimes to arguments about money and property. Every year, the Druids gathered at a sacred place in the territory of the Carnutes, regarded as the center of Gaul. There they settled legal matters and made decisions about awards and punishments. Disobeying the Druids' rulings led to excommunication—expulsion from the order—which was the most severe punishment.
By Caesar's account, training to become a Druid was a long and challenging process, taking up to 20 years. Those who wanted to join the order had to learn the religious laws and traditions and the philosophical principles of the Druids, memorize great numbers of ancient verses, and study the natural world and astronomy
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