perhaps allowing donation will be next on the agenda?
Why would the WTS have left out the statement on where blood fractions come from in the Keep Yourself Book?
by insearchoftruth 17 Replies latest watchtower medical
I carried around the blood card for about 2 years but I never filled out my health care proxy. Eventually I got rid of the blood card secretly because if I was ever in an accident where someone else's blood could save my life I wanted to live.
The blood issue came to my mind when I would hear at the meetings that we would never want to take risks that would endanger our lives because jehovah thought our life was sacred. Then I hear that the blood is sacred, that the "life is on the blood". So which should I choose? I choose life.
Many just refuse not to know. It's like those that eat meat and refuse to think about the slaughter of animals that takes place in a "slaughter house".
J dumbs just don't want to know as long as the head of the bORG says it's OK to take them they will and not want to know where they came from.
When I was a elder and asked the rest of the elder body where they thought fractions came from it took 10 men 30 seconds to answer finally one said, "they come from the blood supply".
I later asked another elder why he did not volunteer an answer when I asked this question. He said, because he didn't know. This is an elder (appointed by Holy Spirit?) Yes folks it is, and how many more in the bORG just don't know where it comes from
ldrnomo said:
When I was a elder and asked the rest of the elder body where they thought fractions came from it took 10 men 30 seconds to answer finally one said, "they come from the blood supply".
I later asked another elder why he did not volunteer an answer when I asked this question. He said, because he didn't know. This is an elder (appointed by Holy Spirit?) Yes folks it is, and how many more in the bORG just don't know where it comes fromWow. I am stunned. How is this even possible? What do they think the term "blood FRACTIONS" means? Fractions of BLOOD, perhaps?
Does the medical community even use the term blood fractions, or is it all WTBTS? Google "blood fractions" and you will get an endless slew of WT related URLs.
Wow. I am stunned. How is this even possible? What do they think the term "blood FRACTIONS" means? Fractions of BLOOD, perhaps?l
Last evening I pretty much just dumped on the husband of the sister my wife is studying with and one of the questions I asked was on fractions and to show me where the bible allows fractions.......he started with the the statement about when blood is broken down into components it no longer is symbolic of life and the life is no longer in the blood, so I asked then why transfuse a fraction with no life in it....I got a very dumbfounded look.
I asked him about where fractions come from, it also took him a while to answer that they come from the blood supply, and I got no answer at all when I asked if a JW could donate blood to help replenish the supply that JWs are ok to fractionally use........
Stupid Cult!
I got no answer at all when I asked if a JW could donate blood to help replenish the supply that JWs are ok to fractionally use........
yes, insearchof the truth, you've hit the nail on the head:
If they're "allowed" to choose to have blood fractions - and why would a JW hemophiliac say "No" to life saving Factor X? - why is donating blood that is the derivative of those fractions not allowed?
Thanks for posting this info.
just a ditto on the donating blood issue.......they can save our lives (the donors) but we (jw's) can not save theirs or our bruddas and sistas............i have not carried the damm no blood card for three years now......just told my wife a few months ago...........oompa
all said in the bible is about eatin blood......they only had two ways to use it back it or use it in worship......funny, but pagans and jews BOTH used the hell out of it in WORSHIP!!!!!!..............freakkin weird!!!
there was one other way i a dye
but to ABSTAIN......the biggie jw word for no blood is ever allowed is somehow now kicked to the curb!......the only way they in the bible could abstain was to avoid what uses i wrote above........they had no medical use of it............and we now do.....and ya.....i will not use it today to.......
worship, eat, or dye clothes or skin!!!!.................oompa