Is Spike Tassel a resurrected DEF'D?

by AK - Jeff 19 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Same refusal to answer intelligently those questions that deal with legitimate issues regarding the WTS. Same intentional ignoring of those who he fears will ask those questions. Same gibberish rolled into some high-minded sounding 'reliance on Jehovah'. Same hit and run topics. Same troll-like attitudes.

    You are describing most of my JW family members in real life. If they had the balls to come here, any of them could play DEFD, Spike, Scholar or Ren.



  • parakeet

    In response to a question put to him a few weeks ago about his dub status, Spike said he was a "unlicensed practitioner." Meaning, not a dub. Whether he meant never baptized or DFed, nobody seems to know, and Spike wasn't telling.

    Maybe this info will help determine who and what Spike is.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I had forgotten about Hibiscus. I remember he had a partner in crime. Seems like they played some game pretending to be engaged or married or something, that all proved to be lies in the end.


  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog
    I had forgotten about Hibiscus. I remember he had a partner in crime.

    Don't forget about reniaa.

  • isaacaustin

    hmm, interesting how they keep reappearing...whether a reincarnation or simply a type.

    I would assume none would be able to answer what came down from heaven though.

  • Heaven

    lol @ isaacaustin! I find they can't answer most questions... they just spew scripture that leaves me with a "Huh? So What? What has that got to do with this? Well, Whatever" kind of reaction.

  • isaacaustin

    Yeah, exactly. If you notice most of the time Spike quotes a verse as though it proves his point, yet it soundly refutes it.

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    I would assume none would be able to answer what came down from heaven though.

    Yea, you'd think they would want to know what they're eating.

  • isaacaustin

    Well, since most dubs do not eat his flesh and drink his blood anyway, I guess they are not interested. Sad.

  • yknot

    Georgiegirl I popped over to the 'cesspool' forum...... (why why did Warlock go there!)

    and I noticed (and it is commented) that another person has registed with the name Spike Tassel (3 total- Canada and 2 in NJ). I don't think our Spike proclaims to be of homosexual desires rather somebody is mocking him in a inappropriate manner (which is so common on that forum!)

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