If you have ever read any discussions with me and BTS, then you know.,...
I am a fiscally conservative, pragmatic, non ideologically rooted, liberal. (hey, at least I am not pretending to be Libertarian.... )
by leavingwt 47 Replies latest jw friends
If you have ever read any discussions with me and BTS, then you know.,...
I am a fiscally conservative, pragmatic, non ideologically rooted, liberal. (hey, at least I am not pretending to be Libertarian.... )
Wrong question. Ask how many have voted in an election.
That is the true test.
No. I didn't vote in the last election, but I will in the future.
I would fly a flag, but my JW husband would flip his liver if I did and I'm putting aside that battle for more important things right now.
Quote LeavingWT:
XJW4EVR - It's not an exaggeration to say that the Bible can be used to justify almost any belief. We've got lots of examples.
One problem. The idea of a democratic republic was not in Paul's mind when he wrote about a follower of Christ's responsibility to secular government in Romans 13.
As a fader, I haven't crossed over to registering to vote. I may maintain that status.
That doesn't mean I am not interested in and follow politics.
No. We are at a truly pivotal moment in history - economically, globally, ideologically, racially, socially. Some have said that every generation says this - perhaps they have, but other generations have not had the internet. And that - is a game-changer.
We have a national "KKK" mentality - as never seen before. Before it was regional, as the conservative party is now. (Hmmmm....co-inky-dink?) Of course, the USA has never had a black POTUS before. Never had an economy on the verge of collapse because of out-of-control greedy corporations, Wall Street and health-care companies combined. Never had a right-wing nut-fringe with control of the tremendous influence of the air-waves, unrestrained by sense or genuine love of country.
We live in interesting and scary times.
I got my voter's registration card just in time to vote for President in the primary . It was exciting and satisfying for me .
I work for the government in an office that requires me to be neutral. I thought it would be easy for me. I was wrong. I am very interested in politics and form very strong opinions. But I am very non-confrontational and try not engage in political conversations. so I guess the answer is, no, I am not politically neutral in my own mind.
Who me?
I am basically nuetral. I hate war and I hate abortion. I can't follow, what is it, the green party or something???? I watch the news. I think all politics stem from the same source and are all working for the same goals ultimately. I have never voted and will not be, as far as I can see.
Do you ever hear people say that you, as one person, make a difference? That every vote counts? Well, I feel the same way but on the opposite side. If I vote and lives are lost, either because of abortion or war or any number of things, my one vote added to that, and I would be partly to blame.
Politics are one big game that I don't want to play.