Jehovah's Witnesses - the religion without a past or a future

by Mickey mouse 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    There is only one timeframe that matters to a Jehovah's Witness: the present.

    "So what if we taught that in 1993? This is our present truth!

    Jehovah's Witnesses are being conditioned to think that the organization's history is unimportant, "the way Jehovah is blessing the work now proves that this is his organization".

    Here's a question: If you were born into a Catholic family in 1922, lived 70 years and died in 1992, what is your current standing before Jehovah according to JW doctrine? You have been released of your sins because the wages of sin is death and you await a resurrection.

    Here's another question: If you were born into a Catholic family in 1922, converted to become a Jehovah's Witness in 1952, lived 70 years and died in 1992, what is your current standing before Jehovah according to JW doctrine? You have been released of your sins because the wages of sin is death and you await a resurrection.

    That's right! The preaching work carried out from the 1870s into the 20th century was pointless. All those people are now dead and their status is no different to their comtemporaries of the time.

    The past is irrelevant. Only the immediate future matters to Jehovah's Witnesses.

  • leavingwt

    Yes, you're correct.

    Thank you.

  • metatron

    Correct. However, the immediate future is a continuing fantasy.


  • metatron

    Correct. However, the immediate future is a continuing fantasy.


  • Jewel

    Yeah, this concept slays me and it amazes me that Witnesses seem to miss this one. Examples:

    My grandmother--sweet old lady, loved her grandkids, went to meetings, went to assemblies, tottered around out in service as an elderly lady, no birthdays, no Christmases, put up with my grandfather's constant disapproval of her religion, basically a faithful Witness. Died faithfully and is now awaiting resurrection in the "New Order" (wink, wink).

    My stepfather--mean SOB, beat my mother, threatened to kill my stepbrother as a baby, sexually abused my prepubescent sister and generally lived as a nasty, selfish, immoral sort of guy. Died an SOB and is now awaiting resurrection in the "New Order" (again with the wink...)

    Anyway, seems to me Grandma should have lived it up a little more since dying completely leveled the karma playing field (if you believe the JW canon..)


  • ldrnomo

    The preaching has always, and will always be pointless


  • oompa

    like carfax is stoopid too..........who would not want to know the history of a car they buy?..........but jw history does not matter??............oompa

  • AllTimeJeff

    JW's can't find present truth with both hands, a map, and a flashlight. (same goes for their @$$)

    They are so "My country, right or wrong". Why else would you be so happy to admit that you were wrong? Because you aren't committed to truth at all, just a dogma, and a way of doing things.

    I think most of us have learned the hard way that real honesty and truth, starting with ourselves, is the steadiest foundation to go forth from. Sadly, JW's do not suffer from the burden of truth.

  • WTWizard

    They are so preoccupied that Armageddon is coming in around 2 years, and that we are in a perennial emergency to reach these people to save their lives. Anyone that doesn't stay out as long as they possibly can, even at great hardship to themselves, has "murdered" those that they should have reached. The same for those who spend 45 minutes at Starbucks (and give the waitress a real tip in lieu of a waste of paper), that stay in the car to warm up or cool off, are 15 minutes late to enter for field circus and straggle out, or that dog a call.

    And then, you hear 20 years later that they died. Suppose I actually reached them and they were too busy (besides getting fired or getting very sick because of the extra effort). The person later researches it and decides not to join. Now, this person would never have otherwise been reached--but, because I didn't want to murder them, I stayed out at great personal cost to reach them. This person, who would otherwise have been resurrected and given a chance, is now denied a resurrection because of not being interested. Thus, anyone that is out in field circus is actually the ones that are murdering people (and that's according to their own doctrines about the resurrection, not anything I have learned from any "secret society" or another religion).


    JW`s are capable of forgeting anything in a heartbeat..

    If they took it any farther,they would`nt even know they existed..


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