September 15th, 1984
AMANDA: Mom, did you know God isn't really part of a Trinity?
MOM: What have you been reading?
AMANDA: I mean, seriously, the Bible says in black and white, "There is ONE God and ONE mediator between God and man: a man, Jesus Christ." Jesus himself said he was "the son" of God.
MOM: What have you been reading?
AMANDA: I'm just saying that I've been looking into the Bible, y'know, that book you always told me to read... And I'm thinking that the idea of God and Jesus being one in the same maybe isn't true after all.
MOM: What have you been reading?!
AMANDA: Mom would you please stop with that? Why should it matter what I'm reading? If it's true, it's true, right?
MOM: You've been talking to that Jehovah Witness friend of yours again, haven't you?
AMANDA: Yes, I talk to her once in awhile.
MOM: I knew it! She's poisoning your mind; she's twisting things, can't you see?!
AMANDA: Mother, I fail to see your argument. If I can show you a brochure that will prove from the Bible why the Trinity isn't true, will you believe it?
MOM: I'm not reading anything of theirs...
AMANDA: WHAT?! How can you say that? All I want to do is look at the facts with you. You're welcome to believe whatever you want in the end. Mother, just open up your mind!
MOM: I'm not reading anything of theirs...
Amanda goes on to accept a free home bible study with her friend, a paragraph-by-paragraph consideration of "You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth!", complete with pre-printed questions. She is baptised and becomes a zealous Jehovah's Witness, even Regular Pioneering for five years. She marries a Jehovah's Witness man and they have what would prove to be their only child, a girl named Hannah. Her husband progresses well, becoming a Ministerial Servant and eventually an elder in their congregation.
She still has conversations with her mother who, so many years ago, resisted Amanda's involvement with the religion. How unfortunate it was that her mother would be so closed-minded, so staunch in her opposition to Jehovah's people. How anyone could simply refuse to look at the facts demonstrates how active Satan is in "blinding the minds of the unbelievers."
Then one day her precious daughter, Hannah, now all grown up, approaches her...
September 15th, 2008
HANNAH: Mom, did you know that originally Jehovah's Witnesses didn't just say 1914 was the "end of the seven Gentile times," but actually strongly asserted that Armageddon would happen in that year?
AMANDA: What have you been reading?
HANNAH: I mean, I've been so surprised to find out there were LOTS of other dates the Watchtower Society predicted too: 1874, 1914, 1918, 1925, 1941, 1975...
AMANDA: What have you been reading?
HANNAH: I'm just saying that there've been an enormous number of things they said would happen that didn't ever happen, and I was surprised because I thought the Bible taught that the was the specific sign of a "false prophet."
AMANDA: What have you been reading?!
HANNAH: Mom, please stop that. It shouldn't matter what I've been reading if it's true, should it?
AMANDA: You've been reading "apostate" material, haven't you?!
HANNAH: If by "apostate material," you mean information that disagrees with the Society, then yes I have.
AMANDA: I knew it! They're poisoning your mind; they're twisting things, can't you see?!
HANNAH: Mom, relax. All I want you to do is read the facts about the Watchtower Society. You can feel totally free to check the facts with the Society's own publications if you want. Will you simply look at the facts with me?
AMANDA: I'm not reading anything of theirs...
I'm NOT reading anything of theirs!!!
by Confession 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Yep, the irony is on full volume.
Confession: that was good.
OTWO: Cat's in the cradle is one of my favorites. It reminds me of JW elders so robbed of time by the requirements of the Organization that they cannot spend any quality time with their children.
AK - Jeff
Yes, closed mindedness runs in the family - the human family - doesn't it?
lol nice try but the difference are there. Does it say that her daughter became a new religion that had it right? No. And why isn't she questioning the big stuff like Jehovah and immortality of the soul etc because JWs have these right. it's a false analogy. Come back to me when you can argue whether we have worship of Jehovah right biblically rather than the minutia of gnit picking eagerness over interpretation.
Mickey mouse
^ Matt 23:24.
Come back to you Reniaa??? your arogance is incredible. Why are jw's or should I say psuedo jw's on the internet so incredibly arrogant, haughty and rude? I didn't see Confession addressing you in this post.
Why should anyone 'come to you' when run away every time someone shows your Reinaaology as wrong? You Reniaa, have made up your own religion that includes partial jw doctrine and the rest you make up as you go, you are just as 'apostate' as any of those here you consider 'apostate'.