Are You Still Thrilled With President Obama?

by minimus 145 Replies latest jw friends

  • treadnh2o


    You are making a blind assumption. I would venture to say if your grandparents were in the work force 50 years ago they are not lazy and entitled to the benefits. However, the ridiculous amounts of money being "given" to people is crazy. I, like you grandparents was taught that if I want something, work for it. If I want something more expensive than the next guy, work harder.

    BTW-I am a Democrat. My statement is not political, it's objective.

  • treadnh2o

    Good thing the "end is near"!

  • oompa

    i had high hopes........esp for healthcare which was and is my number one deal........i employ 17 great people i really care for....and i cant afford healthcare for them like i used to........i paid 100 percent for 20 i am down to 60 percent and both their part and mine is so high it is killin me and them.........

    but this guys just killed me this week when he slammed the US Postal service, and praised Fedex and UPS!!!!...........holy shit how stupid is that?.......i wish some town hall person would ask him how is the gov gonna fix the health stuff when nearly every major gov service is a failure? security, medicare, medicaid, postal..........geeze why did he say that??........he needs a telepromp alright.........oompa

  • FlyingHighNow

    I admire him trying to move forward to fulfill his campaign promises, despite having the feet of so many in the middle of his back, fighting him tooth and nail. He braves forward, everyday, against gail force winds, trudging through water just over his knees. I hope to God he can get this health care reform through and then get the economy back on track.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Okay, I will come out. I am really Joe Biden. I had first dibs on V.P. or Sec. of State. I let Hilary have the fun job because I figured some whack job from Nebraska, Missouri, or Montana (nothing personal to the non-whack jobs) would figure a way to shoot the president because of his skin color and Muslim-sounding name. I figure I will have nearly 3 years as president and lead right into a full four-year term when I straighten out this economy. If the timing is right, we'll be right on the brink of getting a humongously expensive healthcare plan going and I can kill it to get the conservative vote but say how necessary it was for the financing of "programs" to keep the liberal vote.

  • beksbks
    However, the ridiculous amounts of money being "given" to people is crazy.

    Who exactly are these people?? If you mean CEO's and corporate f*cks who now make almost 500% more than the average worker, you can blame Reagan and his buddies for that.

  • beksbks

    All you loons that keep repeating "socialist" do you actually know what the word means? What exactly is Obama's "socialist" agenda?

    The Social Security Trust Fund had a SURPLUS in the early '80's until Reagan began to borrow from it to cover the huge (largest in history at that time) deficit he was racking up. I challenge all of you to do some research.

  • PEC

    He is the best President since Clinton.


  • Farkel

    :If you mean CEO's and corporate f*cks who now make almost 500% more than the average worker, you can blame Reagan and his buddies for that.

    That is one of the most absurd things I've ever read. WHAT exactly did Reagan himself do for you to make such a ridiculous claim? Be specific.


  • beksbks

    Hey where is your pic from Tahoe????

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