Back before my wife and I were married I was friendly with the (single) CO Clive Pitman. He told me one time that he didn't really like getting huge 3 course lunches as it always made him sleepy in the afternoon. His preference was for a simple meal of soup and sandwiches; like a normal lunchtime meal...
So, I had him round for lunch one time to my little pioneer flat and my girlfriend (who's now my wife) made soup and sandwiches. He was appreciative.
The next CO who visited us was the infamous Terry Armstrong. By now I was married, and we invited Terry and his wife for lunch during his visit. Again, my wife made homemade soup and a big pile of sandwiches.
When the sandwiches were brought through from the kitchen, Terry and Ann just looked at them and then at each other. I noticed that they only had one small half of a sandwich each. Towards the end of lunchtime Ann spoke up and said, "you know, the Governing Body expects us to be served with a proper 3 course meal at lunchtime."
My wife was only 18 at the time, we'd only been married for a few months, and having the CO and his wife round for lunch at the time was really stressful to her. She was worried sick that what we (both pioneers) were offering wouldn't be good enough. Ann's ungrateful comments confirmed her worst fears.
I've never forgotten the look on Gail's face as she apologised over and over again to those two ungrateful bastards.
It was 14 years before we ever offered hospitality to a CO again.