by badboy 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • IWillBeDubbedNoMore

    The highest was over 200 at which point there was a split. That was twenty years ago. Both congregations maintained around 100 for a long time. Then there was a slow drop to around 70 at mine. Last I heard, the two congregations merged together again and that there are around 100 in attendance.

  • badboy


  • BluesBrother

    My wife's congo is between 80 & 100...that seems to be the norm around here . I have not seen one as big as the 130 + that I recall in the seventies....for a very long time.

    It may be my fancy or the locality but I believe the average age is older. I do not see too many 20 or thirtysomethings, there are old ones and children from the few families..but not like it was. I have not heard a public talk from a young (not grey hared) elder for a long time.

  • angel eyes
    angel eyes

    196 in first cong now its about 86 this is a new cong though .

  • Gordy

    WE shared a Kingdom Hall with another, which was built to hold 200-250.

    When I was there the average Sunday meeting was 120.
    Of which the average number of "publishers" was 85 , and all the years I was there always seemed to be about 85-90.
    Even with people coming and going, and being baptised.
    Recently heard that the average was now about 90-100, with about 80 publishers.

    The other congregation used to average up to 150 on Sundays.
    About a year ago one of my non-JW children went with her JW sister.
    She said that she was shocked that there was only about 30-40 people there.

    From what I have heard both congregation have had problems, members have been going to other congregations in the area.
    Elders have resigned. Some even stopped going to meetings.

    This KH was built in the late 1980's in anticpation of the growth that was expected.

    I did hear, whether or not true, that the two congregations were going to merge back into one.

  • steve2

    Stagnation or shrinkage of numbers attending seems to be the common experience in my local community. Gone are the days when kingdom hall carparks were clogged with vehicles. Prior to 1975, there was sometimes standing room only in my immediate community's kingdom hall. Funny thing is, two decades on I never hear my JW relatives talking about the need to have a larger kingdom hall. The silence is deafening.

  • yknot

    Currently....130-ish on Sundays, 100 on Tuesdays....

  • Snoozy

    Something that surprised me was when we had my JW hubby's Memorial in the KH (2003) where his JW Mom and Dad attended in the country. It was pretty full I would say at least 150 or more. But the congregation didn't even have a microphone.

    What KH doesn't have a microphone?

    Snoozy...who's congregation averaged 150 to 200 back in the 70's. Oddly it was only around 30 when I first started going in the 50's and in a old grocery store type room....yes one room....wooden folding chairs...

  • Lillith26

    At last head count (8 months ago)- about 90 if you include children and the 20 or so oldies that only came to the meetings. Around 50 active publishers I think.

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