I went to my son's witness wedding on Saturday and I was interested in the comment by the presiding oversear that Adam was alone for YEARS before God finally brought Eve to him. Apparantly he had plenty to keep him busy naming the animals, cultivating the ground and generally getting used to his environment. I just thought it was funny how after the 1975 failed prophesies they now have to say that Adam was alone for years, whereas at the time they said he would have been alone a few months at the most. Another example of moving the goalposts. They crack me up.
Adam alone for YEARS before Eve's creation
by alanv 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The simple fact that God had to FIGURE OUT that the reason Adam became lonely was because he didn't have a mate (all the animals did have mates) shows how ridiculous the story is in the first place.
I remember Freddie giving a talk in 1974 saying that the gap would be months or years not decades otherwise Adam would have been tempted into bestiality. I wish I had saved the tape recording I had made of that talk.
I agree with Farkel. One of the many things I could never reconcile with regarding the Bible and God. They kept telling us 'it was perfect' I kept thinking, 'how can that be if Adam was lonely'?
villabolo... OMG! Hmmm... makes you wonder where Freddie's mind would go. Nasty!
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
vb: "otherwise Adam would have been tempted into bestiality."
Because Adam clearly understood that masturbation would be a mortal sin.
Mickey mouse
The only reason Joe Hoover had to create women was so in 6000 years time when the interwebs would be invented, she could monitor her husband and make sure he's watching no porn. http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/bible/180261/1/Clever-ploy-to-get-sisters-to-monitor-husbands-internet-use-in-todays-WT
Nice story the PO told. A story on top of a story in Genesis.
You can believe anything and just say it was so. Why? "Because I believe it to be so. Don't need proof, I have faith!"
I always thought it so arrogant of JW's to rely on these explanations for the holes and questions of these accounts... As if they have special insight to know how long Adam was alone, as he was naming animals, seeing animals mate every day, then looking down and saying "Geeehovah, what's that for?"
And they know this...how? Must be more new light.