Well that might happen if the GB has it's way. In British Columbia, the Vanvouver/lower-mainland dubbies have to travel hundreds of miles (through shark infested swamps) to get to the convention center in Kamloops. I think the center can hold 20 thousand and there was five conventions (I think) this year so that means about 100,000 dubs had to make that trip. If any Jdub does not make the trip then they will be put on the watch list for apostacy. The average Jdub family spends 1500 dollars to make the trip and one lost day because friday is a convention day. Employers should be aware that any employees wanting a day off on friday might be fixin to head up-country to take in the slobber fest.
I laugh at the way the GB controls their lives, just like they used to control me, until I said the fuck with them and left in 1985.