well come on, what did ya get ..ah give?

by unclebruce 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost


    did they give you money to go with it?


    "It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."


  • ballistic

    I was thinking of posting the famous ferris beuler line "I asked for a car, I got a computer"

    but my best present was better, a box set of 25 drinking and pub crawl games!!!!! - yes! Other than a roulette wheel, there's nothing I could want more!!!

  • GentlyFeral

    My sister was so broke she had to make up gift certificates for us and write, "I'll call you as soon as I have the money." So, sometime later this year, she'll spot me $20 at my favorite witch-supply shop.

    My son gave us a supply of our favorite smoke. My daughter doesn't Christmas shop, but she gave her aunt the PDA I bought her for her birthday last year (daughter was disappointed that the memory dies when the batteries do, so was willing to give it up.)

    I got my husband a pipe for the smoke, my daughter a little box of trinkets (the kind of gift she loves best) and a leopard-print mug shaped like a cow. And a magazine subscription. I gave my son a bottle of mead and my sister some more trinkets.

    Some of my friends got music, one of them got a copy of Witchcraft and the Gay Counterculture autographed by the author when it first came out, and ... oh yeah, my friend Mary got another box of trinkets (these included little plastic scary monster women, tiny plastic squids that balance on the side of a drinking glass, and a couple CD's).

    All in all, a very fun shopping season.

    Gently Feral

  • jelly

    Here is what I gave:
    My Mom got two books from me; chicken soup for the soul I and II. My step-dad I gave a replica of a classic car (he collects them). I gave my sister Edith Wilson’s biography. For my niece I got a chess set and a book on chess, I also started showing her how to play. For my oldest nephew I got a book on Dragon Ball Z and a large book on the history of American comics. My middle nephew received some legos and a pokemon set that allows you to make pokemon stickers, he was in heaven. My youngest nephew got from me a T-Ball set and some toy cars.

    What I got:
    A cool new watch, a few gift certificates, a jacket, clothes, a steelers hat (cool), and a book on the history of the mideast.

    What I liked best:
    Showing my niece how to play chess, I think she could be very good. Playing frogger with my nephews they are funny little guys. And finally getting to spend some time with my oldest nephew he is 15 and starting to have some difficulties in life. Being able to enjoy a holiday with my family without feeling guilty.


  • Tina

    The best presents I received are several new friendships,and deeper,closer ones w/ a couple great folks here.:> T

    Vive Bene
    Spesso L'amore
    Di Risata Molto!!!

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