thumbs up to spike, he's gotta point (needle point that is)
isaacaustin's claim regarding "the Creator's promise"
by Spike Tassel 38 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Hey De Cheech!
Yeah, a needle point about to burst his bubble LOL LOL
Spike Tassel
For those with faith, when one bubble bursts, we just blow a new one and see how pretty that new one is. We might even take a picture of it, if we can. Faith is for children, and those who become like them. Jesus loves the children, and doesn't want any to be hindered in coming to him. Jesus exemplifies Jehovah, and teaches about Him, as we can handle it. "The Creator's promise", however the description is recorded, is all about hope as well as keeping on learning about Jehovah and Jesus, and, thus, living forever. The changes and re-framing take humility to accept. Jehovah and Jesus love to teach us how to be more humble, even patiently.
but that is not related to what we are talking about here....this thread has shown the org that you choose to serve God thru as a false prophet, rather than the sole channel of truth it claims to be
For those with faith, when one bubble bursts, we just blow a new one and see how pretty that new one is. We might even take a picture of it, if we can.
Faith is for children, and those who become like them.
Being naive, ignorant and submitted
Jesus loves the children, and doesn't want any to be hindered in coming to him.
Just like priests and the pedophiles the Wt protect
Jesus exemplifies Jehovah, and teaches about Him, as we can handle it.
He does not. Jehovah is protrayed as a cruel, petty, warmongering and violent entity in the OT. Jesus did not exemplify that. Either he was a good PR rep or was representing someone else entirely
"The Creator's promise", however the description is recorded, is all about hope as well as keeping on learning about Jehovah and Jesus, and, thus, living forever.
That kind of hope is for people that cannot stand on the legs of reason.
The changes and re-framing take humility to accept.
Malachi 3:6
Jehovah and Jesus love to teach us how to be more humble, even patiently.
Like children, and thus the circle goes around one more time...
Spike, the Watchtower has spoken in God's name and that they are God's sole channel of communication. If God didn't make the promise of the generation of 1914 not all passing away before the end came, then why didn't He stop them? Why did He allow them to publish this false prophecy decade after decade? Do you think Jesus would have stood for this, if his apostles were out proclaiming dates for when Jerusalem was going to be destroyed and they kept getting the date wrong?
My issue with that passage from the Awake magazines is that the WT puts the creator's message as what was changed, not their interpretation of that, and that is dishonest.
right PSac, anytime you call something the Creator's promise that will happen. They took their view and promulgated it as the Creator's promise...then simply changed it (while blaiming the followers for trying to pinpoint how long a generation will last)....and called it new light from God...
Here is the thing, IF God is Omniscient (all knowing) then there can be no mistakes or no new light FROM GOD'S part, it must be viewed as a new INTERPRETATION by a group because THEY got the last one WRONG, there is no inbetween.
God doesn't make mistakes, PEOPLE do when they decide to interpret scripture beyond its meaning and/or out of context and then they have to correct it ( or refine it if you prefer the term, a rose being a rose and whatnot).
People ( in this case the WT) need to be honest and just admit, "hey, we screwed the pooch on that one but THIS is what we THINK it may mean NOW".
I love to see a good bitch-slapping.